When can I test after PEP?
23 July 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, PEP/PEPSE.
I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?
Hi, how are you doing?
While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.
A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.
It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Emmnauel, your test is conclusive. You do not have HIV. Please follow this link for more information:
I was expose to hiv victim, we had sex but she said i did not insert to her body. I tested hiv negative a day later and started pep with 72 hours after the last dose of pep i did a test and it was negative. 3mothns later i did another test negative. But my mind is worried what is your advice
Hi Raman, your test is conclusive. You do not have HIV. If you are still experiencing symptoms you will need to speak with your doctor. Please follow this link for more information about testing:
I have tested about 72 days post pep and 135 days post pep with 4th generation test. I had symptoms of acute hiv oral thrush, fever, night sweats in the pep period. I am not being able to move on. Please help me so i can conclude my test with other test. And please tell if hcv occured how long the test takes place?
Hi Monty, it is good that you have started PEP. As your girlfriend has started treatment, her viral load will soon be suppressed (this usually happens within 3 months). When they have a viral load below 200, it will be impossible for transmission to occur. This is true even without a condom. Before this, and after you finish PEP you can use PrEP. Or if you prefer, you can use a condom. You can confirm your test result after PEP from 6 weeks after the last dose using a 4th generation test.
Ihave lived with my girlfriend for 1year but we were not knowing our status , when we went for the test she was found postive and I was negative ,she started talking ARvs after 10days while she is on ARvs we had unprotected sex .in twelve hours after having unprotected sex with her I started PEp .Am I still sef doctor?
Hi Urfan, an ulcer alone is not suggestive of HIV. Mouth ulcers are common and HIV is unlikely the cause given you have negative test results and have used PEP.
Testing for HIV does require a longer wait. From the last dose of PEP, you can test after 6 weeks using a 4th generation antigen/antibody test. Time of exposure does not change when you should test if you have taken PEP. If you are using just an antibody test this will need to be done 3 months after the last dose of PEP. These results will then give you a conclusive result.
I had an sexual exposure about 2 month and 3 weeks ago
I started pep 2 days after the exposure (lamiuvdine two times a day)
And because I had severe nausea I stopped the pep after one week.i consulted my doctor and she said you need to be tested 3 weeks after stopping pep and 4 weeks after exposure. I tested on the timeline and it was negative (antibody test.lablatory blood tests).
I was wondering if it was conclusive or not?
And I didn’t have acute symptoms till now.but today I noticed a ulcer in my mouth.can it be a HIV acute symptom after 2 month and 3 weeks from exposure considering pep delayed seroconversion?
Hi Meesha, even though you have been having reactions with treatment, you have still had some form of ARV taken from exposure. This will greatly reduce the risk of transmission. Now that you are on a course of treatment that works for you, this is the best way to prevent transmission.
KS lesions are a sign of late stage HIV. You do not have KS. As you have mentioned these lesions are more likely caused by the razor or a continued allergic reaction.
What was your initial exposure? In most cases PEP isn’t required given how low the risk was. Do you know if your partner is HIV positive? and if they are were they taking treatment?
How fucked am I? My dr prescribed truvada and 3rd drug and i could only get the 1st (all drug stores were out) in the 1st 24 hours. Then I had an alergic reaction to some meds (drs werent sure if it was truvada or a different med for a different std) and was in the ER. Drs there stopped all meds that day (missed a day) (48 hours at that point). Dr prescribed Triumek but i refused to take that bc he skipped the genetic testing to avoid a bad reaction and I already had a reaction to meds the day prior so the dr had me stick with truvada and keep Benadryl (what i was given for the allergic rxn at the hospital ) near me for another 2 days before I got on Bitkarvy, which im finishing up 5 weeks and have 1 more week to go. I did get on some meds (2 compounds) within 72 hrs but started, stopped and started but then got on 3 after the 72 hour window…ik this isnt ideal but given my reaction and availability of meds and fear of another reaction when the first lines of Triumec fact sheets from my pharmacy warned not to take it without the test, I did everything I could but am afraid it isn’t enough, especially bc i have gotten some marks on my face that I hope are either shaving irritation, pimples from not washing my razor and skipping shaving cream and not KS lesions