
Will I test negative after starting treatment?

What if you tested HIV positive and then you start taking ARVs; after a few months can you go for a test again…what will be the results?


Hi, how are you?

Even on treatment you will still test positive. ARVs are used to treat HIV but you will still be HIV positive. This is because ARVs suppress HIV but your body will still have an immune response to the initial infection – this is why you will still test positive.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Expedito, are you able to go to a health clinic? or can you get a second test at the place you get your ARVs?

    When you tested positive the first time, were you offered a second test to confirm the result?

    Confirming HIV status is usually done with an antibody test rather than an antigen/NAT test. This is because it will give a more reliable result and treatment will not effect how it works.

  2. expedito

    hi. i tested positive sometime in september.. i am taking ARV for three months now. tonight i bought a Fujibio testing kit and the result came back negative. what does that mean? can i take another NAT to ensure if i really have HIV? and what test can i have to make sure i have HIV? pls reply..

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Esnath, is this relative on treatment? and was this test a viral load test?

    When on treatment, a viral load PCR test will show undetectable if the treatment is working. This does not mean he is HIV negative, instead it means the treatment is working so well that HIV is not having an impact on this body.

    In this case, when undetectable there is no risk of transmission to other people via sex. This is called U=U:

    U=U means that when someone is on treatment with an undetectable viral load there is no risk of transmission via sex, even without a condom. This means there would be no risk to your relatives partner.

  4. Esnath

    I have many questions on PRC test for HIV l have a relative who is on Art for the past 19 years since birth but last week when he went for HIV test he tested negative, but his results
    were not true since l know his history since l used to go with him for his Refill at near by clinic. Which further test can he do to prove his status since he is now having unprotected sex with some one l know who is HIV NEGATIVE l have fear he might infect her since he never told her that he is on ARV treatment since birth

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi adi520, please see here for more information:

  6. adi520

    Is sweating on palm, sole and groin is symptoms of HIV? Getting Even in night and day as well in cold.
    I have this symptoms from last 3 week after the exposure.

    Please reply.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ganafa, pimples are not a sign of HIV.

  8. Ganafa

    Is pimples also among the signs of HIV AIDS

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ainembabazi, while on treatment transmission is rare. Most people will have a suppressed viral load/below 200 when on treatment. When this is the case there is no risk for transmission.

    If someone is resistant to treatment, HIV will not be suppressed. This can risk HIV transmission but this is rare. This should also be something highlighted to the individual when having their viral load checked.

  10. Ainembabazi

    But can someone already on treatment infect someone