
Will my CD4 count ever get higher than 100?

Hi there, will my cd4 count ever get higher than 100 ?



This is a difficult question to answer without knowing roughly when you found out you were HIV positive and  a bit more about your treatment and history.

In general, HIV treatment – called ART – will get nearly everyone to have a higher CD4 count.

Even if you start ART with a low CD4 count under 100, it should steadily get higher. Starting low though just means it takes  longer time to increase.

It is actually better for your CD4 count to do this steadily than jumping up very quickly.

I started treatment a long time ago when my CD4 count was in single figures. It took me about a year to reach 100 and about another year to reach 200. It continued to rise higher too – and that was over 20 years ago :)

If your situation is very different though and you have a more complicated treatment history, please send another email and I will send more individualised answer.


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