
I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

I am HIV positive. I just found out that I’m 4 weeks pregnant and clinics are on strike.I don’t have money to buy meds so I don’t know how many days I will skip. Will it affect a baby since it is in the early weeks?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

How long had you been on treatment before this? and do you know your recent viral load?

As you are early in your pregnancy it is less likely to risk transmission to baby. Being early means you have some time to access treatment before this risk increases.

If you are unable to access treatment soon, baby can be given their own HIV meds for a longer period to help account for the time you were without.

Even missing your meds for a month, you are still early enough in your pregnancy that this is not going to have a big risk to baby.

For more information about baby’s medication see here.
