Q and A


My partner is using Acriptega…

Hi please help, I have found out that my partner is using Acriptega pills. Is he HIV positive? I am confused and scared at same time. I don’t what to do now. Please help.


Hi, how are you doing?

Have you spoken with your partner about this? How did you find out they were/are taking Acriptega?

Acriptega is a generic version of TLD. It can be used to prevent HIV after an exposure or can be sued to treat HIV.

If they are positive, it is a good thing that they are taking Acriptega. It means that they are looking after their health and the risk of transmission is low or can even be impossible.

When on treatment, if they have a suppressed viral load it is not possible to pass on HIV. This is explained by U=U.

Josh ,


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, Luvigen and Acriptega are the same medication. They are both generic versions of TLD. They have different names and look different because they have been made by different manufacturers but they both work the same way and contain the same drugs.

    If Luvigen did not cause you to have headaches, taking Acriptega instead will not cause you to have headaches. If these headaches continue please speak to your doctor to figure out other possible causes.

    More information about generic TLD can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/12423

  2. John

    Hello, I Was Using Luvigen As My Treatment And Now It Has Changed To Acriptega. I Have Been Having Sever Headache Since I Started Drinking The Acriptega. Can It Be The Cause Of The Headache?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Aron, have you noticed any other symptoms along with the pains in your penis e.g., changes in urination, fevers, discharge, back pain etc…?

    Pain in your penis is not a side effect of Acriptega. As you are now 25/28 days into your course of PEP is unlikely related to PEP. PEP will only protect against HIV.

    Have you had tests for any other STI’s? and have you been to speak with your doctor about the pains in your penis and what have you tried to help the pain?

  4. aron

    Hey, i have started acriptega for 25/28 days my qoustion is i have start peins pain from yesterdy so what that mean? Pls answer me.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Genaro, when someone is taking Acriptega and they have a viral load below 200/undetectable it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex. The viral load is suppressed so low that there is no risk of transmission.

    This is explained by U=U. This stands for undetectable means untransmissable. U=U is considered protected sex as the HIV positive partner being on treatment means HIV cannot be passed on.

    U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Genaro

    So it is possible to have HIV sleeping with someone who is taking acriptega ??

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pretty, Acriptega is a medication used as either PEP (to prevent HIV transmission after an exposure) or as a treatment used for HIV to suppress the virus.

    Acriptega is a generic version of TLD. More information can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/14970

  8. Pretty

    Who is supposed to take acriptega
    And why? My brother is Epilepsy and the Dr prescribe acriptega for him please explain to me

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Masutha, Acriptega is only available on prescription, and only from some pharmacies.

    If this is for your treatment, your doctor or clinic will explain how to get this medicine.

  10. masutha

    Can i get Acriptega from any pharmacy or specific place in South Africa?


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