Q and A


Will treatment work? My partner has a CD4 count of 118…

Me and my boyfriend were both diagnosed laster year.. We have both struggled to come to terms with our diagnosis, but are coping in our own way..

My bf’s last result showed a CD4 count of 118. Does this automatically assume he has AIDS? Even without any signs of opportunistic infections and general health being pretty good?

We will both be starting treatment within the next few weeks. How hard is it coping with treatment? We are told we will most likely be on one pill a day.

Is treatment manageable and how quickly can we expect a rise in our CD4 counts?

What is the liklihood of death with a CD4 count of 118 please help, as this is extremely worrying at this time. :(



Thanks for your question and for letting us post the answer online.

It is still difficult to come to term with an HIV diagnosis, and this is an ongoing process that takes time. It is good that you can both support each other through this.

The difference in being HIV-positive and an AIDS diagnosis is largely historical. It was used before there was effective treatment when you only went in one direction. In the US, a CD4 count under 200 is considered AIDS, because of the classification system in that country.

Now that treatment reverses some of the immune damage and increases your CD4 count this is less important.

Treatment is easy and manageable for most people and there are lots of alternative drugs if you need to modify your first combination for any reason. Read the i-Base Introduction to combination therapy for more information, including the sections on adherence, resistance and side effects with main first-line combinations.

The once-daily pill you refer two, should be prescribed as two separate pills for the first three months before you use the 3-in-1 formulation. This includes the drug efavirenz.

Good luck, and pls get back if you have other questions.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Confidence,

    Info about the combination that you’re taking can be found here:





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