Q and A


Starting PEP at 90 hours?

Hi, I started PEP about 90 hours post exposure, the doctor said there could still be some level of efficacy as we were quite close to the 72 hour window. Is that true? Also I missed one of my PEP doses by 7 hours but quickly took it once I realised. What is the impact on my treatment?


Hi, how are you doing?

While it is possible that PEP could still have some efficacy, starting PEP 18 hours after the recommended is window is still quite a lot. It is not possible to say how effective will be.

How risky was your potential exposure?

How far into your course are you? and on what day were you late with PEP?



  1. Simon Collins

    Dear W, pls see this link for info on PEP:

    Please talk to a doctor about PrEP. It will not help with trust issues but it will let you control your risk of HIV.

    This ;ink has more info about PrEP for woemn:

  2. W

    Hi Josh, I have been on pep for 16 days now
    I was on pep cause of I don’t trust my boyfriend
    We went for a test and he was negative
    Should I continue my pep

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Victoria, how is your boyfriend doing? Does he have access to treatment and care? I also answered your email about this.

  4. Victoria

    Hi i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. I did an oral test on him 15mins after and found out he was positive. We rushed to the hospital and did a confirmation test for both of us. I came out negative while he was positive. I took pep about 4 hours after the sex. Prior before now i had sex with him about 6weeks before this incident and which i did a test 7 weeks before this and came out negative . Am scared of already been infected and want to know if the PEP will work.


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