
Can I marry my girlfriend if she is HIV positive?

Hi there, my girlfriend is HIV positive but she doesn’t have any symptoms. Can I marry her?


Thank you for your question.

How is your girlfriend doing? Is she currently using HIV treatment? This is generally recommended, even if she is feeling well and if there are no symptoms.

HIV treatment means that your partner can lead a long and healthy life. It is generally recommended for everyone who tests positive.

Once your partner has an undetectable viral load, the meds will also protect you. This includes if you both do not want to use a condom. See this info on U=U:

It also means that you can still have a family, without the children being at risk of HIV.

Please see answers to questions 6, 9, 10 and 14 here:

One caution to this answer is that a small number of regions in a few countries include an HIV test before getting married.

Because of the benefits from ART, these countries and regions are now very uncommon.

Best wishes and good luck with your plans