
Is Acriptega PrEP?

Is Acriptega a PrEP medicine?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. Acriptega is not used as PrEP.

Acriptega is a generic version of TLD. TLD is a medication used as PEP or to treat HIV.

TLD is a 3 drug combination. PrEP only uses 2.

The most common medication used as PrEP is Truvada.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Moses

    PrEP is used before and after sex as a way to prevention risk of HIV, but only uses two drugs. These are emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir (TDF or TAF).

    Acroptega includes three drugs and is used as PEP. This is when someone takes and HIV combination of three drugs fro a month after a risk. It includes emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir (TDF or TAF) plis a third driug called dolutegravir.

  2. Moses

    Gud afternoon I went to doctor to prescribe me Prep but the doctor gave me
    gave me Acriptega does it work the same as prep?if I sleep with some1 with hiv Acriptega well prevent me to not affected by hiv?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Zinhle, first, everyone has a right to privacy about their health care. Second, even if it is HIV meds, these may or may not be your partners. They can be used for HIV treatment or as PEP for preventions. Thirdly, please see this link about how HIV meds also protect the partner even if you don’t use condoms.

    Reading this info is important for everyone to know if they are sexually active.

  4. Zinhle

    Good morning I found that my partner using Acriptega secret so am worried maybe he is positive. I think it’s arv’s because I didn’t see it’s . Am scared. How Safe I am

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leo, yes Acriptega is an effective medication to use as PEP. It is a generic version of TLD. TLD is often a first choice recommendation to be used as PEP.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  6. Leo

    Good day. I was exposed to somone that has HIV and went to doctor after 40hours and she prescribed for me it affective? Can I use it as PeP