
I have insomnia and bone loss?

I am currently on DTG+FTC+TAF. I am suffering from insomnia and some bone loss, how to increase weight I am currently 72 kg? My CD4 count is 520. I am drinking ENSURE protein shake for gaining weight…can you tell me how to increase weight?


Hi, how are you doing?

How long have you been on this treatment? As you have a healthy CD4 count it would suggest that this treatment is working for you.

What time of the day are you taking this treatment? As your combination includes dolutegravir, it is recommended to take this in the morning. The earlier you take this combination means the les likely you are to have sleeping problems.

What do you mean by bone loss? or is this weight loss? As you have said you are 72kg, do you have a recent previous weight?

Continuing with protein shakes and healthy ways of gaining weight e.g., more muscle building exercise and eating more calorie dense foods will help improve your weight.



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