
My viral load went up after vaccines…

Hi, 4 months ago I tested positive and I started the treatment with Biktarvy right away when the viral load was around 50.000. It dropped to less than 20 in couple months. Now is 130copies and it had me worried cuz it went up.. I also did 3 shots( influenza, covid and pneumococcal) a couple weeks before I tested last time. I don’t know if that had an impact over the viral load (I just read somewhere that it might).

Also the WBC count used to be 6.9 when I tested positive for the first time, now is 3.6 which also had me thinking if the treatment works well. On the other hand the cd4+cd3 t cells went from 286(first check) to 462(last check).

Is it something to worry that the viral load went up? Can you please make me understand a little better why the wbc went down and if the treatment works well?

Thank you :)


Hi, how are you doing?

You do not need to be worried. This is an expected response after receiving vaccines.

As a minimum it is recommended to wait at least 4 weeks before having viral load testing after vaccines. This is because the vaccine can cause falsely elevated viral load results as you have now experiencing.

This means your treatment is still working and you do not need to be concerned. U=U still applies and there is still no risk of HIV transmission.

It is great how much your CD4 count has gone up. This is very quick in 4 months. When you were given these results were you also given the CD4%?

The WBC results you have are these just a general count? As long as the value falls within the normal range it means you’re healthy (in regard to what WBC means). It doesn’t matter how high or low the value is as long as it is in the range.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lex, the increase in CD4% is great. This number is much harder to fluctuate and can give a more accurate representation of your immune health.

    A CD4% of 27% is equivilent to just short of an absolute count of 500. This is in line with your actual count of 462 and is within a healthy range (430 – 1690).

    The results of your WBC will need to be taken into account as a whole. This should be done by your doctor. As i-base are not doctors I am not able to advise on reasoning why this last reading may be below a healthy range and not consider the other results.

  2. Lex

    Hi, I’m good thank you so much for your answer.I hope this finds you well.

    The CD4% was 18%(first check) and now is 27%.

    Im dont know if the WBC is general to be honest but I also have a WBC’s auto wich was 8.3(first check) and now is 4.5.This value seems to be within the range but the WBC count(3.6) seems to be under range as I see that normal range is 4-11.

    Thank you


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