
Can I have sex without a condom?

Is 262 viral load safe to have unprotected sex. What causes from undetectable to 262?


Hi, how are you doing?

A viral load of 262 is very good. It shows that HIV is being suppressed.

U=U applies when you have a viral load below 200.

262 means that the risk of transmission is incredibly small but it is not impossible. Sex would be considered a very low risk exposure but until your viral load is below 200, using a condom would still be advised.

Or it is advised for your partner to be on PrEP. 



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Innocentia, healthcare is private and you need to talk to your partner about nedicine, which is also personal. Some meds are used for prevention and others for treatment. Effective treatment can also work as prevention. If you use condoms this is good becasue you know you are protected from STIs which is a good thing.

  2. Innocentia

    Hi my problem is I slept with my partner who is taking Combozil tablets and he didn’t tell me so I saw them on his drawer what are this tablets for I’m scared but we used a condom