
I could I test positive?

I recently tested positive when i went to register my pregnancy.

I had one sexual partner for the past 5 years.. my partner had been testing negative its been 4 months now. I have started taking my meds and decided on abstaining for now..

My question is how is that possible ?


How are you doing now?
Are you managing okay with your treatment – and do you know whether your viral load is undetectable yet?
Even if you are doing well I can tell you are still worrying about how you became HIV positive?
Also I understand your wanting to know, most people never really know how this happened, and often when then think they know, in terms of a specific partner, they are often wrong. Several studies reported that people thinking they became positive from a current partner, for example, had a very different type of HIV that meant they were wrong.
Also, I don’t know about your history, but the following issues could also be involved.
  • Was your positive HIV test confirmed at a lab? Or do you have a viral load test that shows high levels of viral load (at least over 1000). This is important because some people are still started on HIV meds without this double check. Any positive test needs to be confirmed or it might be a false results.
  • Could you have been HIV positive since birth and just never tested? Sometimes people go through their childhood without realising •
  • Did you have other partners, even five or more years ago? Lots of people go for at least this long without realising they are HIV positive, especially if they have a strong immune response. 
  • Is there a chance that your current partner might be HIV positive anf the results of their test is wrong? If you tested at the same time, this is less likely, but sometimes partners might say they are negative.

These are a few suggestions but there might be others.

Whatever the reason though, it is much better to just looks forwards and plan your life. No-one can change the past but the current meds are so effective that they mean we get a chance to plan a good future.

You can also still have a good physical relationship with your partner, even if he is HIV negative.

Once your viral load is undetectable on treatment, the meds will protect him as well as improving your health. With an undetectable viral load you partner cannot become positive, even without using condoms.

This link has more information.


  1. Simon Collins

    This is a service for people who are HIV positive and the tests show you do not have HIV.

  2. Gary

    I’m really struggling with symptoms and a sickness that’s gone on for two years now….. everything lines up with hiv. Mottled rash, fatigue, headaches daily, white tongue, dizziness, ED, diarrhea, pins and needles in arms, joint pain you name it I have it or have had it…… but to date over the two year period I’ve had 8 fourth gen duo tests, 20 rapid tests and one PCR one hiv test….. I read about strains newly discovered or subtypes o and n plus hiv 2 that aren’t picked up by current testing methods. What should I do?


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