
When can I stop PrEP if my partner is undetectable?

My Partner is HIV positive and she is on medication (ARVs).

i take PrEP.

My question is that, when should I stop taking PrEP or how long should i be on PrEP?


Hi there

Thanks – this is a good question :)

It is really good that you are on PrEP. This shows you are taking responsibility for your own sexual health. PrEP means you are in control and you know you will not become HIV positive.

Many sero-different couple where one person is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative also do this. Many couples also see this as a way of sharing the experience and responsibility. It means your partner doesn’t have to worry about you if their viral load ever rebounds, even though this is only a very small risk.

Your partner is mainly taking HIV meds because this is good for their health. Luckily, having an undetectable viral load on ARVs also protects partners too.

But your partner shouldn’t need to worry about this if you have access to PrEP and take responsibility to use it.