Q and A


Can I get married if I am HIV positive?

Hi. Can I marry if I am HIV positive? I am only 28 male, and just diagnosed. How long I can live if I start HAART in future? Do you also think there will be more treatement options in future? Thank you


Yes, most countries have no legal obstacles against marriage, though many countries do have laws that saw you need to tell your partner about your HIV status. There are some countries where discrimination limits human rights, so it also depends where you live.

Many HIV positive men get married – to partners who are either HIV positive or HIV negative. If their partner is HIV-negative it is still possible to have children


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Lulu – you are right that it might be difficult but I hope things work out well – have you thought about having a partner who is also positive?

  2. Lulu

    I have been living with HIV for the past 15 years and to be honest with you it is very difficult to be found by a guy coz they don’t know your status and once they know they just ran away. I am 41 years old and still single I do wish to get married one day also.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Flora – good luck in finding aa partner – this previous answer might help.

  4. Flora

    Am 26 Yrs And On Meds.I Want To Get A Positive Man For Marriage Because Am Tired Of Being Single,how Can I Find Him?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Gcina

    Yes. Most couples now can conceive just by the positive person being on HIV meds with an undetectable viral load. Results from the PARTNER study support this.

  6. gcina

    Can I have a child and not infect my partner

  7. Simon Collins

    Thanks Raj. Most couple now can conceive just by the positive person being on HIV meds with an undetectable viral load. Results from the PARTNER study support this.

  8. Raj

    Dear Scon, Don’t worry. You are still fortunate that you are diagnosed in time and have started ART.

    Since your are 32 and plan to have family, you can have child. There are many matrimony sites where you can find a suitable partner, but it is recommended to tell everything to your partner before you get into relationship.

    Your Doctor will be able to help you on conceiving an HIV negative child.

    So enjoy and be blessed.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Scon… Many couples have children. Pls see this link to a study that show how HIV treatment dramatically reduces the risk of transmission: http://i-base.info/qa-on-the-partner-study

  10. Scon....

    I am 32yrs. Unfortunately i am positive. And i really wana get married and have child because i am the only son. Is it possible to have a child if i get married to a negative person without her been infected of this illness? Because am on treatment for HIV. Please i meed an advice


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