Q and A


What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Taking one or two extra doses of ARVs it not likely to be a problem. But is could increase side-effects from the drugs for a couple of days.

To give you a more accurate answer please let me know how much of an overdose you are talking about. For example, is it just forgetting someone had already taken the drugs and taking them again once? Or are you talking about someone say taking a whole months supply at once?

Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm, however, a deliberate overdose of a lot of ARVs could increase the toxicities to such an extent that it damages the body’s vital organs.


  1. Jay

    The worst thing you can write is “sounds like you need professional help, is there someone close to you that can help”…
    You guys haven’t got a clue.. yeah duck.. while I’m in this state I’ll just “ask someone for support”.. you ain’t never been through this so don’t comment..

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sika,

    It sounds like you need some real support. Is there someone close who could help and give you some support? You can ask at the clinic for professional help too. Or there might be an HIV support group near you. As a person who’s HIV positive I know that there can be tough times. But it’s true that even with HIV you can have a great life.

  3. Sika

    I want to die aswell am tried of this life,my dad cant evn surpost me his alway evn adding more salt to my wonds,the man i love made me like this but i love him but my dad….

  4. Zamanguni

    my friend insulted me in front of many people saying I have AIDS now now Ive decided to drink all of them. what the use because at the end Im going to die. i feel betrayed and humiliated I trusted her. im 21 by the way

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zamanguni.

    It sounds like you need some support, is there a HIV positive support group near to where you live?

    You’re life doesn’t need to end. Yes what your friend did was cruel and uncalled for, but your life isn’t over. You’re 21 and have your whole life ahead of you. Its also clear that you’re taking control of your HIV due to being on medication. This is something to be proud of.

    Though i-base advocates aren’t councilors please feel free to contact me directly at lisa.thorley@i-base.org.uk

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nobody,

    It sounds like you need some professional support. Is there someone that you can talk to? Maybe a local HIV support group? You can email us if you like, but we aren’t professional counselors.

    As someone who’s positive, I appreciate that there can be moments when it can feel like what’s the point. However, even with HIV you can live a great life.

  7. nobody

    Im thinking of taking my own life coz I dont wanna live anymore. Could taking 30 ARVs could kill me? I need answers

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lebogang,
    Atroiza should be taken at about the same time each day. Most people aim for within a particular hour. But once viral load is undetectable you can aim to take it, for example, at 21:00 every day but you have around an hour either side of that. So you can take it somewhere between 20:00 and 22:00. If you took it at 20:57 and 21:00 on the same day then it’s a double dose. As it says above, taking a double dose by accident and on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm.

  9. Lebogang

    Hi l took atroiza twice now but l am not sure because l took one at 20:57 the the other one at 21:00 was not sure if l be taken them should l be worried?

  10. kuzy

    hi l forgot to take pills fr 3days n then wen l realized l took double dose of atroiza…now lm feeling a sharp pain on my upperright ..shud l be scared or


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