Q and A


What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Taking one or two extra doses of ARVs it not likely to be a problem. But is could increase side-effects from the drugs for a couple of days.

To give you a more accurate answer please let me know how much of an overdose you are talking about. For example, is it just forgetting someone had already taken the drugs and taking them again once? Or are you talking about someone say taking a whole months supply at once?

Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm, however, a deliberate overdose of a lot of ARVs could increase the toxicities to such an extent that it damages the body’s vital organs.


  1. Milo


    I usually took Efavirenz with Lamivudine/Zidovudine at 10pm and Lamivudine/Zidovudine at 10am. Today, I accidentally took Efavirenz at 10am. Should I take Efavirenz again at 10pm?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Loren,

    Taking an overdose of ARVs can increase the toxicities and side-effects of the drugs.

    And as Charlotte says above, it’s useful to know the extent of the overdose we are talking about. So, Isentress is the brand name for raltegravir. Raltegravir can be taken in 2 ways:
    1 x 400mg twice-daily
    OR 2 x 600mg tablet once-daily.

    Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm. However, this is unfortunately more than a double dose.

    Please can you see the doctor about this to let them know about it.

  3. Loren

    I took 5 isentress tablets of 400 ml, what’s the effect that I may have???

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ladyleen,

    This i-Base resource gives treatment information about HIV and other infections. Do you have HIV too?

    However, what does your doctor say about taking acyclovir and isoprinosine together? These drugs can be used to treat different herpes viruses. So it’s important you talk to your doctor about this.

  5. Ladyleen

    I am 36 yrs old im having a a symptoms of chickenpox today i drink aciclovir herpex 200mg can I deinl also isoprinosine 500mg after 1 hour is it safe

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pato,

    Take your meds as usual. You’ll be OK.

  7. pato

    I have mistakenly taken another tab one hour after taking as usual. Should I continue to take as I usually do or wait until after two days. I mean should I skip a day?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kay,

    I’m really sorry to hear your daughter might have taken 20 ARV pills.

    If she has swallowed them it’s really important she sees a doctor as quickly as possible. Please let the doctor know what meds they are.

  9. Kay

    My daughter who is not positive took my sons last pills he had two different meds 20 pills in total, if she take them all is it deadly

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Macky,

    You’ll be ok. Having a double dose won’t have any negative impact on your health.


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