Q and A


What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Taking one or two extra doses of ARVs it not likely to be a problem. But is could increase side-effects from the drugs for a couple of days.

To give you a more accurate answer please let me know how much of an overdose you are talking about. For example, is it just forgetting someone had already taken the drugs and taking them again once? Or are you talking about someone say taking a whole months supply at once?

Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm, however, a deliberate overdose of a lot of ARVs could increase the toxicities to such an extent that it damages the body’s vital organs.


  1. Peendile

    I just took an overdose but now I’m regretting it how can i flush them out

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kazi,

    Do you mean you’ve taken an overdose of your ARVs? I’m really sorry to hear this. Please could you let me know what meds they were and how many you took?

    Please go to see your doctor and tell them what has happened. You can explain those things that are making you tired of everything. And you can ask for help. They should be able to help you.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They can give support and try to help you through this difficult time.

    Please let me know how you get on.

  3. Kazi

    I just and overdose on various meds and hoping it helps, I am just tired of everything

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Nancy, if your meds are hard tablets (rather than plastic capsules) you meds are all likely to be fine. Do NOT double your dose as this would cause more side effects. Is there a reason why your clinic has not renewed your meds more recently? Please update to newer drugs when you can.

  5. nancy

    hi, can i still take arvs that expired in may last year, are they still effective? Can a double dose help? i mean taking 2 instead of 1 since they are expired??

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Christine,

    I’m so sorry to hear your story. But is there anyone at the doctors or clinic that can help support you? You can also ask them if the difficulty you have swallowing is because you’re not taking ARVs.

    What country do you live in? There could be support organisations that can help locally.

  7. Christine

    Hi I took an overdose of ARVs I used to do it frequently due to stress and I wanted to kill myself I didn’t get serious effects after taking them I only experienced dizziness and urge to vomit .It has been a year since I stopped taking an overdose of like 20 pills now am weak I can’t walk my hands are weak and also I have problems of swallowing food can it be the cause of all this please help

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tsaky,

    I’m really sorry to hear this. Things must be tough for you at the moment. But please can you go to see your doctor and explain what has happened. It could be good that you vomited the ARVs.

    Do you have support from your doctor or clinic? Please ask what they can do to help you. And if you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this link. They can give local support and help you though this difficult time.

    Please let us know how you get on.

  9. Tsaky


    Im 11 weeks pregnant and i took overdose of ARVs trying to kill my self, I vomited afterwards. Is my baby safe?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ithinkalothmm,

    Please see the previous answers below to this question. If you are just taking tenofovir for hepatitis B, please could you talk to your doctor about your treatment.

    If you are on ART please let us know what other HIV meds you’re taking. Please also let us know your latest HIV viral load and CD4 results.


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