Q and A


What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Taking one or two extra doses of ARVs it not likely to be a problem. But is could increase side-effects from the drugs for a couple of days.

To give you a more accurate answer please let me know how much of an overdose you are talking about. For example, is it just forgetting someone had already taken the drugs and taking them again once? Or are you talking about someone say taking a whole months supply at once?

Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm, however, a deliberate overdose of a lot of ARVs could increase the toxicities to such an extent that it damages the body’s vital organs.


  1. mason

    hi. pls I mistakenly took my Arvs (tenofovir, Lamividine $efavirenz) this morning when I was about to take my antibiotics .I usually take my arvs at night .I noticed it when I started feeling dizzy this morning and saw my antibiotics was untouched. shoould I still take it at night or continue tomorrow?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Manyi,

    Do you know what she’s taking?

  3. Manyi

    Hi…a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with hiv.she is on arv.this morning she was about taking her morning pill but accidentally took the night pill,then she took the morning pill again. My question is,does she needs to take the night pill at night again or maybe just continue with the normal routine tomorrow?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi David,

    The damage won’t be long term. She will though need to some help.

  5. David

    My daughter tried to commit suicide by taking 20ARV EFAMAT tablets at ones,what damage can they cause because we only discovered 12 hours later?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Leo,

    Its OK to take your meds early, just try not to do it on a regular basis.

  7. Leo

    what should I do when I mistakenly swallow my ARV medication eight hours earlier than the prescribed hour?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Junior,

    If you’re feeling suicidal, you need to talk to someone about this. If you could tell me where you are in the world, I might be able to help.
    Also what meds are you on?

  9. junior

    I once tried taking a whole bottle of ARvs,because of stress and trauma. I’m afraid I might attempt suicide again.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Latoya,

    It sounds like your friend needs help. She needs to talk to someone. Could you get her to contact us?


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