Q and A


Will my muscle mass come back?


I have been infected and positive for about 14 months. My numbers are good but I have decided to start treatment early rather than wait until they drop to the guideline level for commencing treatment.

My question is, although I have maintained my body weight since infection I have noticed that I have lost definition and muscle mass. I know that this could be due to anxiety and also as a result of dealing with the virus without medication. Once I start treatment and hopefully become undetectable will I be able to restore the defination and muscle mass that I had before being infected or is it lost forever?



Thank you for your question.

Your muscle mass should come back providing you are eating a good balanced diet and exercising. It is possible to have good muscle mass without treatment as well if you are less anxious, eat enough protein diet and workout.

To read more about bulking up please follow this link to a book called ‘Built to Survive’ which focuses on body building specifically for HIV positive men and women.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cicci,

    Please see this guide to a balanced diet and your health. There’s lots of info in this guide about nutritious foods that that can be high in calories. I hope this can help you gain weight.

    But how’s the HIV treatment going? What meds are you taking? And if you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results, please tell us what they are.

  2. Cicci

    Anyways to gain weight again because all musels are continuously lossing

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Shaun,

    Thanks for this. And as Simon says above, whatever your personal exercise goals, it’s good to get advice from a fitness trainer who can help develop an exercise programme that is right for each individual.

    It’s important to let your HIV doctor know about any supplements you’re are taking to achieve better fitness. That’s because some ARVs can interact with some supplements.

    Please see this link to the website for HIV drug interactions.

    And this link has more information about exercise and staying active:

  4. Shaun

    BOB (Feb 20, 2020) THANK YOU FOR THE MOST HONEST REPLY I’VE READ ON THIS TOPIC!!! I have been googling regaining muscle mass etc.. while living with HIV for a few years now and I all I got were “text book” answers by doctors who would rather pacify then be direct. I implore everyone to workout daily even if it’s just taking a long walk, not or biking, eat healthy with plenty of protein( DO NOT miss any meals)

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bob,

    Thanks again for this. Your comments are answered here https://i-base.info/qa/15217.

  6. Bob

    Brother I feel your pain, your muscle mass won’t come back unfortunately, these people giving advice are just trying to be positive. I am living with the virus too for ten years and I’ve found the ARVs have an extremely catabolic effect. I now use anabolic steroids which are a godsend to people with HIV, I use testosterone and nandrolone and still struggle to put muscle on compared to my friends using the same things training the same eating the same and they don’t have HIV. So it’s the ARVs. I notice while on steroids my muscles look better about 24hours after my last ARV, more normal, and when I take the ARV, they don’t look as good I look smaller. I’ve now swapped over to trenbolone enanthate, low dose with testosterone to try and gain some muscle mass. It’s hard even with this! The ARVs are very catabolic and I don’t know the reason why but I’m going to find out. Us looking great isn’t a concern for Drs but it is a concern for us as we want to look healthy and normal. I cannot stress enough how much anabolic steroids have helped me, I couldn’t imagine living with HIV without them, I also run human growth hormone and believe everyone with HIV should be prescribed this to maintain normal muscle mass and body shape, but unfortunately I have to pay for it myself.. I wish you all the best mate, the bodybuilding forums and YouTube channels like enhanced athlete are incredible for us. We have to take these meds every day, I won’t stop taking my meds ever but I will always use anabolic steroids, even if it’s just testosterone, I will never stop as living without them looking thin and not like others is just too painful.. as everyone on ARVs will know

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ajeyo,

    Yes you can live a normal healthy life, the main thing is that you continue to take your meds. Muscles, I don’t see any reason why not and staying active and fit is important.

  8. Ajeyo

    I take TLE (TENOFOVIR+LAMUDINE+EFARIENZ). My cd4 is 636…viral load test not done yet. I want to know can i live healthy or gain muscles???

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ajeyo,

    Are you continuing to lose weight over the months? If so, it’s a good idea to see your doctor about it.

    But how’s the ARV treatment going? What meds are you taking and have you got access to your viral load and CD4 results? Please let us know.

    However, the answer is yes. Now that you’re on HIV treatment (ART) you can gain weight and muscle.

    Here’s the guide to a balanced diet and your health. There’s lots of tips in this about foods that are high in protein and nutrients. A gym routine along with these foods can help you build yourself back up.

  10. Ajeyo

    I am HIV positive also on ARV..But I saw myself I was thin..My body weight drop 6 kg.
    And I look so thin…Will you please tell me can I gain weight and back my muscle???


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