Q and A


I don't want to take treatment, how can I increase my CD4 count?


I was diagnosed HIV positive in 2009 and at that time my CD4 was over 400. It then slowly dropped and the latest CD4 was 187. My doctor asked me take HAART medication plus he also ask me take bactrim. I started HIV medication and after I took the medication, within 30 minutes I had a headache, very high fever, rash all over my body, vomiting, loose stool and I became so weak. I couldn’t even wake up from my bed, it was that terrible what I went through. So I just took HIV meds only once and then I stopped taking the medication because medicine should help the patient, not make my bad condition even worse.

Can you advise me how I can maintain my CD4 and CD8 because I just plan to not take modern medicine plus I am working person and I can’t take off all the time.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble taking HIV meds. Unfortunately the only way to increase your CD4 count is by taking antiretroviral drugs that make up HAART medicine. Many people have problems with side effects when they first start treatment. However, within 2-4 weeks your body will become used to the drugs and these side effects will lessen.

If you are suffering from side effects there are additional treatments the doctors can give you to prevent nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches etc. to help you get through the first few difficult weeks. If you start treatment and then stop you are in danger of becoming resistant to your medication. This means you may reduce the number of treatments available to you in the future.

If your CD4 count is only 187 then you need to start taking HAART as soon as possible. Before doing this you should ask your doctor for a resistance test. Which treatments did you take before? If you took nevirapine or efavirenz and got a rash then you should try to avoid these treatments.

For more information on side effect please follow this link to our guidebook on HIV and your quality of life

It might also help to view similar questions on starting treatment

HIV treatment is very individual and it is about finding the right combination for you. If you give the medication a try and are really not getting on with it then you can speak to your doctor about changing the meds to something that is more suitable for you.

If you decide not to take treatment then your CD4 count will decrease until you become very sick and eventually die. At the end of the day it is your decision whether or not to take treatment but you should be aware of the consequences if you are to make an informed decision. Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact us again if you need any more support.


  1. Shan

    Hello am called Shan I have a friend who was tested positive 2years ago so she started on treatment but this very year she refused taking the medicine again… She’s very weak, very ill, she doesn’t have appetite, she’s having hallucinations, faeces are just passing through her and she keeps on saying that medics gave her wrong drugs… We are really scared so what can we do because she refused to take medicine again

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pumla,

    Stopping and starting medication isn’t recommended. ARVs needs to be taking daily. If they aren’t your HIV won’t be controlled. You could also develop resistance to your medication. This will limit your treatment options. If you are having issues with adherence, please talk to your doctor about this. If you’ve also been missing medication you should have your CD4 tested as well as viral load.

    If you’re feeling ill, it could be due to you stopping and starting the medication.

  3. Pumla

    Hi my name is Pumla .I live in Cofimvaba . I was born with HIV but I was not aware till my mom passed away in 2019. I was 12 at that time I didn’t care. Now I’m 18 it’s stressing me alot. I even dont take my pills for a week. When I take them again i fell like my body is not willing to do anything like moving. I sometimes get cold inside my body but very hot outside. What should i do?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Phumy,

    I’m sorry to hear you Mom has not been well. But it’s good she tested negative to TB and that she has started on ARVs. HIV treatment (ART) starts to work really quickly.

    Please see this page from ART in pictures. Viral load result can drop by 90% within the first few days, and by 99% within the first few weeks. Does she have access to viral load and CD4 count results?

    ART usually starts working straight away, and it doesn’t matter how old you are.

  5. Phumy

    Hi my mom tested hiv + on the 2nd of this month , she was very sick we then decided to take her to the clinic and convinced to test for hiv, she is 55 yrs old they also suggested that she tests for TB and the result came back negative. They then started her on ARVs on the 6th of this month… she is still weak but she is eating, she is dizzy she sometimes sweat sometimes feel cold should we be worried? And how long will it take for the treatment to work for her?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anno,
    Its good that your CD4 count is doing well. However, you SHOULDN’T be feeling like this. Sides effects usually last 2-4 weeks, not 8-9 months. You’re going to need to tell your doctor that your quality of life is being affected by the ARVs and that you must be able to try another combination. If they aren’t prepared to listen, then they aren’t doing their job. ARVs are supposed to control your HIV, not affect your quality of life.

    There will be other options available to you, your doctor will know this.

    If you’ve done from a 32 to a 28, this could very well be due to the diarrhea. This isn’t supposed to happen.

  7. Anno

    I have been diagnosed with hiv 2018 June and started treatment I’m on tenofovir disopoxil fumigate, but they are giving the worsed side effects ever. I lost weight went from size 32 to 28 or less, I don’t drink,smoke or even have sex anymore. I have diarrhea which my Dr was supposed to happen as side effects when I started treatment and will stop but still hasn’t. I loss of appetite and and I have insomnia ever since I started the treatment. I’ve told my Dr about this she keeps saying it will get better and she’s happy with my cd4 count, but the side effects keep getting worse. Please advice what I should do. Cause I’m even considering stroping treatment now. I hate h
    ow I look and I am shaking, but I was never sick before I started treatment.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lillian,

    Its common to feel like this when you first start ARVs. Though this can be an unpleasant experience it should pass within a week or two. Though you never got sick, your body would have been working very hard to ensure that you were were OK. Being on meds allows your body to recover and for you to have control over your HIV. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

  9. Lillian

    I came to know I had HIV like 10 years back
    without any serious illnesses I’m strong and all that
    two days I got tested and given tabs now I’m just sick, weak and lost appetite
    do I need to worry if I stop taking the damn tabs

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sisca,

    What ARVs are you taking? Have you discussed this with your doctor?


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