Q and A


What does a CD4 count of 11 mean?

My friend just got diagnosed with HIV. His T-cell count is 11. What does that mean?


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear about your friend’s diagnosis. It is never easy finding out about an HIV diagnosis and your support to your friend is very important during this difficult time.

If your friend’s CD4 count is 11 then they need to start HIV treatment immediately. For everything you and your friend need to know about starting treatment please follow this link to our guidebook ‘Introduction to Combination Therapy’.

About 25-50% of people with a CD4 count below 50 who start treatment experience symptoms of IRIS (Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome). This is where the immune system, as it starts to recover, suddenly realises that there are a lot of infections it has to fight against that it was perviously to weak to react to. This can cause additional infections like TB and CMV to show and patient can sometimes start to feel quite ill. However, the good new is that w hilst IRIS can make things a little more complicated, it is easy to treat. For more information please follow this link.


  1. Thobisa

    RVD + but no CD 4 count.what this mean?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gabisile,

    If your father has lost this about of weight he needs to see a doctor.

  3. Gabisile

    Recently my dad started having bad cramps n complained abt his spinal cord he’s been HIV + for 14 years. Now so am so worried he lost weight from 72 to 42 am so stressed.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Linda.

    When someone has a very low CD4 count its important that they receive specialist medical care and ideally in a hospital. So not at home. If your step fathers CD4 count is 1 he needs proper care. Has he not been offered this?

  5. Linda

    Hi!my stepdad cd4 count is 1..
    so my mom told me his got high blood pre sure..his been taking his meds starting early this year..but his still weak.What can we do as the family..
    he can’t even used the bathroom without him messing him self up.
    I know his tired of being sick probably depressed …please help

  6. Steve

    Hi Patrick,

    I was having the same issue. For me the Pharmacist had to contact my insurance to get it approved. Because the price is high the insurance needs to ask the pharmacist some questions. When I would call the pharmacist they would say “Your Doctor needs to approve it” until I basically went in to the pharmacy and had him call, that was all that was needed. hope you are taking your medication by now

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Rajiv,

    Starting HIV treatment (ART) usually means your viral load will drop quickly within the first few months. And this means that your CD4 count gets the chance to recover. However, increasing the CD4 count is usually a slower process.

    ATT means anti-TB treatment. And treatment for TB meninigitis can last for 9 months, and this is usually to prevent relapse. But you can talk to the doctor to check that this is why you had 9 months meningitis treatment.

  8. Rajiv

    My cd4 is 114.I been in medication for 6 months and still cd4 is not start to rise.On October 2017 I was digonise for meningitis and even just finish the course for ATT for 9 MONTHS.I’m really getting worried about this.please help me.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patrick.

    ARVs in most countries are free. Do you live in a country where meds are free? If you do, could you go to a public clinic? If this isn’t possible have you been told how long you need to wait?

    Because your CD4 is 30, its important that you begin meds as soon as possible. You should also follow the advise that’s given here:


  10. Patrick

    I am diagnosed with HIV cd4 count 30 last week even now nothing has been prescribe to me but I am supposed to start treatment but things are stuck due to approval of medical aid staff no medication.


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