Q and A


How long could I live taking ARVs with an undetectable viral load?

Hello good people out there,

I’m on treatment and my doctor is saying I’m improving and looking better. The problem I’m having is that I at times feel suicidal because I feel may be I will be dying soon. So I feel I have nothing to live for. How long can I live if my viral load remains undetectable and I am still on drugs?


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time coming to terms with being HIV positive. The good news is that with the treatments available today can give people with HIV a near normal life expectancy and a good quality of life so you have nothing to worry about. Having HIV no longer means you will die quickly. For more information please follow this link.

Which treatments are you taking? There is one treatment called efavirenz (also know as Sustiva or Stocrin) that can cause people to feel depressed and suicidal. If you are taking this treatment then you should speak to your HIV doctor about changing your medication. For more information please follow this link.


  1. Anonymus

    Hi I just find out that I’m HIV positive. I’m still in shock. I’m gay. Is it possible to get HIV through anal sex? I’m still in shock but I’ve decided to start my treatment soon. It’s my life I still have a future ahead.

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Lee, how are you doing? It sounds like you are having a difficult time, but it will get easier. Your question has several parts really.

    The first, and most important, is that you are probably still coming to terms with learning you are positive. This is enough to make sex not be the most important thing for you right now. This will all come back again, but you might need time to feel confident and stronger again.

    So linked to this is the fact that you are dealing with this news without your partner knowing – and actually your partner might be more supportive than you think. They might be sorry that you are not able to talk about it. Everything you are going through is very common. I can see how your partner might find your change in mood and interests difficult, unless they understand what is behind this.

    Secondly, if your main worry is about protecting your partner, then HIV transmission between two women is so rare that I think maybe only one case has ever been reported. Sex with your partner is very save – even if you are not on treatment – though it makes good sense not to have sex during menstruation.

  3. Lee

    Hi guys,I hope you all well.I have a problem here I wish you can help. I have a problem of not wanting to have sex with my partner all because I just found out that I’m HIV positive, and I feel that I’m loosing her because of my behaviour. I am a woman and my partner is also a woman.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, You can ask your clinic to check if your HIV medication is working to keep your viral load undetectable. You can also talk to them about different HIV medications that might help stop your upset stomach. There might be some medicines you can take to stop these symptoms while you keep taking the same tablet.

    You can ask for support organisations near you at this address:

  5. christabel

    I’m a 29 year old lady with 3 kids living in South Africa in Hillbrow town. I’m worried because I’m taking my one tablet once a day medication but I’m always having a running stomach and vomiting. The problem is if I go for help, they just tell me to take water with salt and sugar. The situation is also making me lose weight. I’m stressed. Can you tell me about any organisation near me?

  6. Robin Jakob


    You can contact the TAC for information about services in your area. You can find their details here:

  7. Ntombi


    I have been on ARVs since 2008 and I have just moved from Durban to Johannesburg, Vereeniging. I am looking for a doctor who can issue ARVs to me but its not easy find one because I am not familiar with the place. Can you please assist?


  8. Robin Jakob

    Hi Siya,

    What you are describing sounds like it could be a side effect of efavirenz. This is one of the three medications in Tribuss. It is sometimes associated with mood changes.

    It is usually recommended that Tribuss is taken just before you go to sleep. This is because you will be sleeping when drug levels are highest and side effects are likely to occur.

    In the UK if someone is finding their treatment difficult they are usually given the opportunity to change to another combination. You can ask your clinic if there are different meds available.

    You can find more information about Tribuss here:

  9. Siya

    Hi there,

    I am 1 year and 4 months into ART and taking Tribuss. Every 4th to 5th day I can’t get out of bed and i dont want to talk, what could be the cause of this and how do i deal with it? I am a generally happy person and have never been diagnosed with depression.

  10. Robin Jakob


    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    Many HIV positive people today can expect to live as long as someone who is HIV negative. To do so you will have to take ARVs. You have some time to to think about your options though. In the UK guidelines recommend that you start treatment once you CD4 has fallen to 350.

    Being on ARVs is the only way to maintain a CD4 count. Once you to start ARVs they will help you live a longer and healthier life.

    Please let me know if i can help with anything else.


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