Q and A


How long could I live taking ARVs with an undetectable viral load?

Hello good people out there,

I’m on treatment and my doctor is saying I’m improving and looking better. The problem I’m having is that I at times feel suicidal because I feel may be I will be dying soon. So I feel I have nothing to live for. How long can I live if my viral load remains undetectable and I am still on drugs?


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time coming to terms with being HIV positive. The good news is that with the treatments available today can give people with HIV a near normal life expectancy and a good quality of life so you have nothing to worry about. Having HIV no longer means you will die quickly. For more information please follow this link.

Which treatments are you taking? There is one treatment called efavirenz (also know as Sustiva or Stocrin) that can cause people to feel depressed and suicidal. If you are taking this treatment then you should speak to your HIV doctor about changing your medication. For more information please follow this link.


  1. Portia

    I’m 22yrs old and pregnant my partner is hiv positive and is on pills , I tested negative last month is the a possibility that I’m also infected

  2. Edison

    Thanks for the good health information and encouragment.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Louisa,

    Changes in body shape are no longer common. This is due to the advancements that have been made with ARVs. Which meds are you taking?
    With regards to your boyfriend, he should be supporting you, not making you feel bad about yourself. If this is his attitude then maybe its time to reflect on the future of the relationship.

  4. Louisa

    I am hiv positive and i am taking medication and i am 21 year i am very scared that my body will change and people will start realizing !my boyfriend tested negative so i think he is making a joke out of this how can i cope i need help

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lydia.

    What’s the combination that’s been recommend to you, so the exact names? Also peripheral neuroapthy isn’t something that’s associated to Atripla as the following explains: http://i-base.info/guides/side/peripheral-neuropathy

  6. Lynda

    I’ve been taking ARVs – Trivenz which is a generic of Atripla since 2012. Almost a year ago I started having a sharp pain on my foot . First I attributed it to arthritis even though it was stranger and sharper than an arthritic pain. Fast forward and many consultations with different doctors, it turned out I was suffering from a nerve problem called ‘ peripheral neuropathy ‘ and that is caused or is a side effect of the ARVs that I’m taking. I need to know what can I do about this or whether any other person has ever had the same problem. My GP has suggested I should take the treatment that is made up of 3 tablets. I’m afraid that it might cause lipodystophy. Please can someone advise me.

  7. Monika

    Prayer, rest, education, support, medication. u will be fine.

  8. Nancy

    Taking Arvs keeps your health status at normal. You live a normal life like any other human being because the Virus is completely suppressed and can’t harm you at all. Therefore, getting infected with HIV, and starting to take Arvs in time doesn’t change your life whatsoever.

  9. Sarah

    Hello there,pls live ur life to the fullest.Be like me,im almost eleven yrs living with a virus take ur meds and stop stressing,u still have a life ahead of u.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymus,

    Its common to experience shock when you’re diagnosed with HIV. Do you have anyone who could talk to? A close friend maybe? Or is there a support group near to where you live? What’s important is that you breath and slow down, you’ll be fine.

    Its good that you’ve decided to start treatment, this will allow you to take control of your HIV. And your right you do have a life ahead of you. There’s more about starting treatment here:


    With regards to transmission, yes you contract HIV through anal sex.


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