Q and A


How long do efavirenz side effects last?

I just started with efavirenz and Truvada 10 days ago. I’m not sleeping properly and feel dizzy all the time.

Is this normal, and when will it get better?



The type of side effects you report are pretty common when starting efavirenz.

For most people the dizzyness starts to get easier to tolerate within the first week or two, but it sounds like you may be having a particularly difficult time.

One thing to check is that you are not taking your meds after dinner. Meals that contain a lot of fat increase efavirenz levels by about 60%. Efavirenz should not be take until at least two houf after food that contains a lot of fat. Taking efavirenz before bedtime means you are hopefully sleeping during the side effects.

It is up to you how long you want to give this before trying another drug. Although your clinic might suggest giving it more time, some people change within a week if they are badly affected.

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone by staying on a drug that doesn’t work for you. There are lots of other options and switching is easy.

There is more information on efavirenz at this link.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 11 June 2011.


  1. Dave

    Hi I recently tested Nd my cd4 count was 495 and my Dr advise me not to start taking emmediatly and retest after 3 months to see Wich medication I should start taking, is this good advise??

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Manny,

    This is something that you’ll need to discuss with a medical professional as i-base advocates aren’t medical practitioners.

  3. Manny

    Hi. Am talking arvs pills am having diarrhea and losing lot of potassium because of that. I have being in and out hospital because of this problem what can I do.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Brandy,

    Please discuss this with your doctor.

  5. Brandy

    I was taking nevirapine and dumiva because I had problem with breasts growing bigger ,I consulted my doctor and I was changed to edurant with dumiva but within a month I noticed that I am loosing fat around hips with skin rash,chest pains, unusual dreams,feeling tired,breasts not reducing.
    I want to go back to nevirapine,will this be possible ?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sduduzile,

    It sounds like you may need to change your medication. Is it possible for you to talk to your doctor about changing to a combination that doesn’t contain efavirenz? Please see Q 3 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  7. Sduduzile

    Hi, I started sd4 from March 2018 and from then I feel like I mad, my brain doesn’t function well, the whole day I am dizzy, lack of concentration, feeling like sleeping, and I can’t copy even in my work, I can’t sleep well at night, every morning I my balance is being lost, and my memory is being lost, anxiety is my daily illness, Now I always take alcohol everyday. I need help please

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sihle,

    Its very possible that this could be a reaction to the meds. What are you taking? When did you start feeling like this?

  9. sihle

    hi i stated taking arvs on june 2018 but now i have headache every day n feel like vomiting and sleeping is it nomal

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Leju,
    A side effect of efavirenz can be vivid dreams and disturbed sleep. But are you getting proper sleep, and do you feel tired during the day? If these side effects affect your quality of life you can talk to the doctor about switching to different meds.


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