Q and A


How can my partner test HIV positive and I test HIV negative?

I went to test HIV with my partner.

I found out that she is positive and I was negative. After six months i went back I tested negative.

Please help as I don’t understand.


Thanks for your question as your situation is very common.

Has your partner’s  positive HIV test been checked by a second test in a lab. All rapid tests, need a positive result to be confirmed. This is because of the small chance of a false-positive result.

If the second test (called “western blot”) is positive then your partner is definitely positive. In this case, how is your partner doing and does she have support?

Even if your partner is HIV positive, it is common for one person in a couple to test positive and the other negative. This can happen even if they have bot been using condoms. This is mostly just luck. Over time, most people will catch HIV if they continue to have sex without a condom.

Even though you have not caught HIV so far, you can still catch HIV in the future. Genetics may explain some cases of protection, but most are just down to luck and chance.

Now you know your partners HIV status, you can still stay together and have sex safely. Condoms or PrEP are both really effective at stopping HIV and not sharing needles.

Also, after your partner gets an undetectable viral load on treatment, the risk drops to zero – even without condoms. The PARTNER study reported no transmission with an undetectable viral load. this was after about 900 couple had sex 58,000 without condoms (over several years).

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 and October 2014 from a question from June 2011. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1, 5, 6 and 9 at this link).


  1. Nhloso

    What can I do, I’m HIV positive and I’m scared to tell my partner because he is not positive.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your ectopic pregnancy. I hope you have recovered and that you’re well. But you can check with the hospital about having another HIV test to make sure you get an accurate result.

  3. nthabi

    Hi yesterday we had free HIV testing. The first test came back positive and the second came back negative. I’m scared now because 4 weeks ago I was in hospital. I had an ectopic, when they tested me it was negative. Should I be worried.

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Candie – thanks for your comment.

    Firstly it is good that you found out your status and that you are now on treatment.

    Your partner and his response are a different issue and you may or may not be able to help.

    Some people stay in denial about HIV, even when they test HIV positive. Your partners risk of becoming ill is realted to his CD4 count. This means he needs to have this monotored, even he is doesn;t want treatment.

    Over time, especially with your example, it would be good if he can start to face these issues.

    Sometimes this happens though and sometimes not – and I know this is stressful to you.

    Perhaps show him this comment if you think it might help.

    Best wishes

  5. Candie

    last year October I found my partners results that he he H.I.V positive and his not on treatment. I went to test I also tested positive and my CD4 was 325 and I started treatment immediately. For my partner how is not on treatment what are the dangers? because I can see that If I bring out this topic he starts a fight and says that he is not positive even after I told him I saw his results because he was hidding it for me. I’m perfectly fine and any CD4 has gone to 438 and my viral load is under 20 and can I also have a reply on my e-mail.

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Primrose

    I am sorry to hear about your partner testing postivie.

    Until your are able to be sure about your own status it would be better to use condoms while you are breastfeding. Talk to your clinic too in case they can help with another HIV test for you.

    Also, is your partner palnning to start treatment?

    In the long tern, after he has been on treatment for about 3-6 months the risk to you will be greater reduced.

    Please tlak to your doctor about all your concerns.

  7. primrose

    Hi I have a 2 month old baby and I was tested at my local hospital 2 times the third time when I was having my c/section all tests came out negative but 2 weeks back my partner went to test to find out he is hiv positive could this mean I could be hiv positive and I fear of infecting my baby since I’m breastfeeding pliz help

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, It’s important that you’re on treatment for HIV because this will help protect your baby. If your treatment keeps HIV to undetectable levels in your blood this could also help protect your partner. But his negative test could also be just down to luck. Using condoms is a sure way of protecting him from HIV.

    For local help, you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign here:

  9. mbali

    Hi, Me and my partner we’ve been together for 5 years, and after falling pregnant I tested positive. And when he went to test he tested negative. Since we’ve been together we never used condoms almost for six of which, and I’m happy for him. All we need is counselling. We’re living in South Africa. Anyone who can help.

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Susan, being on treatment will mean the risk to your husband is veyr low. Congratulations on your son and on having such a long marriage. Best wishes.