
Do I need to boil tap water if my CD4 count is 17?

My last CD4 was 17. My consultants suggests I drink boiled water as there is a risk of amineobacter in the water supply. Is he just being over cautious as it’s a lot more convenient just to turn on the tap?


Your doctor is giving you good advice.

While your CD4 count is this low you are more vulnerable to bugs and bacteria that the government cannot guarantee will not be in tap water.

Other simple approaches to what you eat and drink are included in this US factsheet. This includes the same care for water used for ice cubes and brushing your teeth, making sure that meat and fish are cooked properly, washing and peeling fruit and vegetables, only eating pasturised dairy products and not eating shellfish.

It is also to reduce the risk of parasitic infections like cryptosporidia.

This is only while your CD4 count is this low.

Hopefully, you will be using HIV drugs to boost your immune system and get your CD4 count higher again.

If your CD4 count is low because you have just been diagnosed, see the Introduction to Combination Therapy.

If your CD4 count is low because of treatment failure or drug resistance see the Guide to Changing Treatment.

Most guidelines bottling water until your CD4 count is higher than 200, but doing this until it is at least higher than 100 will cover you for the time when you are at highest risk.

It is easier to just turn on the tap, but it is safer for this short period to take extra care over food and water and related hygiene.


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