Q and A


Do I need to take ARVs as well as TB meds with a high CD4 count?

I tested positive in South Africa in 2009 and my CD4 was 240 and in December 2010 I started treatment. It was for one month only. I was okay with it, it never gave me any problems but on the following month I never went to the clinic, so i started using Bactrim and some boosters.

Then in May 2011 I was raped by unknown guy and when they took my blood to check for my CD4, and the result was 500. At the same time they discovered that I’ve got TB. Now, since I am taking TB treatment, should I also start ARVs? I am worried.


NOTE: this question from 2011 has been updated to cover guidelines for HIV and TB treatment in 2023.


The short answer is yes. Both these meds are really important.

It is especially important if you also have TB. And HIV treatment is recommended for everyone, even with high CD4 counts. This is an example of how guidelines have changed since you were diagnosed.

I am also sorry to hear about the assault. I hope you have been able to access care and support to help you get back to your life again. You are doing a great job at bring back your focus on your own health. This is important and your strength is an example to other people.

Your first CD4 results might just have been low if you were only recently infected.

In most people the CD4 recovers again, before it steadily drops over many years. It is great that your CD4 count has gone up, but the years that you were not on treatment would still have been damaging your immune system. You can still access treatment now if you go back to your clinic.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an ‘immune boosters’. This is just adverts and marketing. So-called ‘immune boosters’ will not help your CD4 count – only HIV meds can do this.

This question was updated in 2023 and 2021 from a question posted in 2011. This is because guidelines now recommended HIV treatment for everyone with TB.


  1. mandy

    I have lived with HIV for 9 years. When I tested for my CD4 count last year, it was 357 and I was adviced to start on ARV’s, but I was discouraged by the service @ a state hospital that I went to. I had to be tested for TB before I could get ARV’s and they’ve lost my TB results twice. Having to stand @ long quees and taking off work to get my results. Is it possible that I can just go to any private GP and do tests and pick up my ARV’s from their surgery?

  2. Kumar

    Hi Sir , My age is being 62 years since 7 yeras I affected with HIV Positive ,
    My CD4 count hascome down for 275 , and TB affected recently ,
    now my doctor suggest and started TRUSTIV ( Art) and TB treatment , but my physical conditon is ery poor , Even I am not able to walk for a while . Reamining Liver , Kidneys are functioning well .
    so kiinldy suggest me how far i should use Art and TB tablets , when can cd4 wcoint will improve. I ma unable to take diet since i doint have Teeth , shall I go for Liquid food , Kindly suggest me what nutrition food shall i take liqiudly ( juices ) .

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Sindi

    If you have symptoms you need to talk through them with a doctor. This isn’t something that can be done by internet.

  4. sindi

    hi Simon

    i just need to know what causes the glands at the back of my ear. My right ear is got a gland am i lacking some vitamin or my cd4 has dropped what is it? im worried.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Sindi

    I wouldn’t worry about your CD4 count – it is good and strong and will protect you from HIV-related health problems.

    When you start your ARVs in a couple of months, your CD4 count should increase even higher.

    I think that TB treatment may increase your CD4 count, but bottled water will not do this directly.

  6. sindi

    Morning Simon

    How do i increase my CD4 from 276 while im still on T.B. med. i will be starting my ARVs after two months from now. Someone told me that with T.B. treatment also increases CD4 counts and i heard that drinking boiled water increases CD4. How true are these statement.

  7. Simon Collins

    Starting now is fine and recommended in guidelines. The first couple of weeks of TB treatment are good are reducing TB symptoms quickly and starting aRVs any time after this is ok.

  8. sindi

    hi Simon
    My friend’s CD4 is 276 and is on T.B.med now @ the clinic they said she should start ARV’s now the problem is that she is less than a month on T.B. treatment so she needs to be at lease two months so that she can start the treatment. Is there something like that Simon.

  9. Simon Collins

    You need to talk to your doctor about any symptoms, and also about your TB medications. If you missed several days of medication it is important to restart, but again tell your doctor about this.

  10. sindi

    hi Simon

    thank you very much for your esponse you’ve just answered me nicely and thank you very much guys for your time and to advice us on varioius issue and to treatments. I have a question about my T.B.treatment. i started my treatment mid-May 2011 i never had a problem with it. There were no side effects until we had a holiday, me and my fiance. I made a mistake i forgot my treatment (Rifafour e-275) and (Pyridoxine 25mg) and we left for 4 days and on the 5th day I started to drink it as usually, yo yo , i never slept , my body change ,temperature was high , vomiting my feets were sore and till today i cant sleep at night after i had my treatment now the problem is on my right leg it’s heating like hell and i sweat. Now i need to know what is the problem because I am scared to take my medication but what can i do cause i have to take them, if this are side effects how long should they take?


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