Q and A


I am just diagnosed with a CD4 count of 10?

I’ve recently tested HIV+ and unfortunately my CD4 count came out at 10. I am not ill, but do i have the chance to live any longer.



As well as being HIV positive, your CD4 count is very low. Unless you were only infected very recently, this means your HIV is very advanced.

Using ARV treatment (ART) as soon as possible is important. ART will reduce the serious risk of HIV-related health complications.

The medicines will still work for you. There are many reasons to be hopeful and optimistic.

Because your CD4 count is uder 50 there is also a chance that other infections (called IRIS) might become active during the first few months of treatment. These are usuallly easy to treat, but tell your doctor about any new symptoms over the next months.

Also, please be very careful not to miss any doses of your meds. This is called good adherence.

Your doctor should also give you antibiotics to protect you from other infections. This is usually cotrimoxazole (often also called Septrin or Bactrim) which is a combination of  trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. This treatment should continue until your CD4 count gets much higher (at least above 200, maybe above 350).

While your CD4 count is still below 50, including now, your doctor should also examine your eyes. This is to check whether a viral infection called CMV is affecting your eyes. CMV can cause serious and permanent vision loss.

For more information see this guide to starting treatment, called Introduction to ART.

If you were not expecting to be HIV positive, this will take a while for the news to sink in. It will get easier – and hopefully you will get a good response from treatment.

These two links might help:

Just diagnosed:

Who can I talk to:

Note: This answer was updated in December 2016 from a question first posted on 13 September 2011.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Sorry to hear that your relative sounds so unwell. Unfortunately this is a Q&A service that answers questions about HIV treatment. We are not doctors or nurses so we can’t offer advice about symptoms.

    However, HIV treatment today is safe and very effective. And after starting treatment many people recover well and are healthy.
    You can find out more information about HIV treatment (ART) here:

  2. M V

    One of our relative working as agriculturist is found with CD count below 10 and he has been found with HIV +. Is there any chance to recover. Now he is in hospital. His symptoms are frequent vomitting and motions.
    Please advise to take necessary action at the earliest.

  3. Simon Collins


    Without more details about your health and where you live, it is difficult to comment.

    What does your doctor say about this? What medicines have you used?

    Changing to a new combination that can increase your CD4 count is important. This is for both you and your baby.

    If you would prefer to do this privately, please email:

  4. Aletta

    I am currently pregnant and started my treatment late in 2013, but am not responding well to medication. My current CD4 count is 30. Please help what can I do

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Rodney

    Please see the following links for information.

    It is good that you are supporting your friend by finding out about this.

    Your friend will need to start treatment. Even starting with a very low CD4 count, treatment can be very effective. It can still mean your friend gets a good response and becomes stronger again.

    For more details information please see pages from the same guide about treatment.

  6. Rodney

    My bestfriend just told me that his CD4 count is 6, I have no clue as to what this means, he just keeps saying he’s very sick. I really worried about him. Can you help me to understand?

  7. Robin Jakob


    It is important for your sister to let her clinic or doctor know about her symptoms. Especially as she is in pain. They can help her work out what is causing her boils and if necessary recommend treatment.

  8. dhanendra

    My sister is taking treatment for HIV 1 her CD4 is 356. She is suffering from armpit pain and boils. Other than that she is healthy.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Marry-Anne,

    I’m sorry to hear your husband is so ill, but it’s good he is in ICU where he can be properly looked after. How has he been over the last week?

    HIV treatment is very effective, even with low CD4 counts. If he overcomes the pneumonia he has a good chance of treatment working well. You can read more about being treatment, and low CD4 counts, in our combination therapy guide.

  10. Marry-Anne

    My husband was diagnosed with HIV 2 days ago, with a CD4 count of 9. He’s currently in ICU now being treated with Pneumonia and diabetes. I tested HIV negative and been married for 10 years. We have been sexually active until 3 weeks ago, due to him not feeling well. What are his chances of surviving this? I’m so scared, hopeless and so confused with no one to talk to…


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