Q and A


What causes my CD4 to drop from 220 to 30 in less than a month?

Can you please tell me what would cause my CD4 count of 220 drop to 30 in less then a month?


A big drop in CD4 count is highly unusual – it can also be a lab error, in which case it needs confirming immediately.  Go and speak to your doctor so that they can run the test again.  If the results are the same then ask your doctor to check your CD4 percentage to see if there is any changes.  If there are changes, then you would need to start or change your treatment immediately.  By the way have you started your treatment yet?  If so what type of HIV drugs are you taking?

Your CD4 has drop to quite a low level and this means that you are prone to other opportunistic infections (OIs).  Many people with very low CD4, even below 10, can still remain healthy.  It just means that the risks of being infected by HIV-related illness increases as the CD4 count drops.

Your best option is to see your HIV doctor immediately.  Your doctor should be able to investigate the cause of the problem.  People with CD4 below 50 is much more susceptible to CMV (cytomegalovirus) – a viral infection that affect your eyes and vision.  They will be able to provide you with prophylaxis and also an eye examination.

If you are not on treatment then you must start immediately.  If you are on treatment then this means that your treatment is not working for you.  Another reason is that you could have another health complication and it has become acute.  So further investigation by doctor is needed.

A very detailed answer to a similar question are at this link which you may find useful, and another link about CD4 and viral load.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Yash,

    When someone has a low CD4 count it’s important that they are on ARVs. If your father isn’t on ARVs he’s going to need to start them. If he’s feeling weak and sleeping a lot he’s going to need to see a doctor. A doctor should also be able to explain the skin issues.
    His weight loss is possible due to his low CD4 count.

  2. Yash

    My father had a CD4 test 2 days before and the CD4 count is 73. He is feeling very fatigue and only sleeping all the day. Also have other problems like skin irritation, weight loss.

    Can you please suggest what should i do?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lisa.

    Your uncle’ CD4 count is very low. If he is ill he’s going to need specialist care. Yes he could recover, however he’s going to need to restart ARVs. If his CD4 count was that low and he’s been on medication for some time, this would indicate that the medication wasn’t working.

  4. lisa


    my uncle stopped taking his treatment 2 weeks ago and was not eating well for that two weeks, now his hospitalized and we told his Cd4 count is 8.
    is there any chance of recovering?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpho,

    I can’t comment on other health conditions as we aren’t medical doctors. However, have you had a viral load test done?

  6. Mpho

    On 24 January I tested HIV positive at the clinic and they gave me ARVs without lab results as I was pregnant. I started them immediately every time when I go to the clinic I forgets about results as I’ve made peace with it. Today on 17 May I opened my file and found out my CD4 count is 255 and yet results are HIV negative. So they told me to carry on with medication until they run another HIV test. My question is, is there other infections that can cause someone’s CD4 count drop besides HIV? Because at the clinic they did not provide information due to queue.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zandile,

    You may be feeling like this because your CD4 count is low. How long have you been on medication for? If you have a rash you need to discuss this with a doctor.

  8. Zandile

    I am facing a lot of problems liie feeling tired each and every day becouse my cd for count is 79 but i took arv each and every.and my skin is changing lots of dark rash i dnt knw now

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sudheer,

    I’m really sure what the issue is, or what it could be. Please see a doctor.


    I am 25 of age using 2010 onwards 1 lane tablets ..2018-09-06 onwards i am refer to 2 lane tablets because of my cd4 count is 4.
    Now my condition is when taking medicine night time didn’t sleep well.when sleep came felt like some weight put on my body and shiver 5 seconds and I am tight wake up. What happens is it need to consult doctor.


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