Q and A


What causes my CD4 to drop from 220 to 30 in less than a month?

Can you please tell me what would cause my CD4 count of 220 drop to 30 in less then a month?


A big drop in CD4 count is highly unusual – it can also be a lab error, in which case it needs confirming immediately.  Go and speak to your doctor so that they can run the test again.  If the results are the same then ask your doctor to check your CD4 percentage to see if there is any changes.  If there are changes, then you would need to start or change your treatment immediately.  By the way have you started your treatment yet?  If so what type of HIV drugs are you taking?

Your CD4 has drop to quite a low level and this means that you are prone to other opportunistic infections (OIs).  Many people with very low CD4, even below 10, can still remain healthy.  It just means that the risks of being infected by HIV-related illness increases as the CD4 count drops.

Your best option is to see your HIV doctor immediately.  Your doctor should be able to investigate the cause of the problem.  People with CD4 below 50 is much more susceptible to CMV (cytomegalovirus) – a viral infection that affect your eyes and vision.  They will be able to provide you with prophylaxis and also an eye examination.

If you are not on treatment then you must start immediately.  If you are on treatment then this means that your treatment is not working for you.  Another reason is that you could have another health complication and it has become acute.  So further investigation by doctor is needed.

A very detailed answer to a similar question are at this link which you may find useful, and another link about CD4 and viral load.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phindile,

    As long as you start meds then there’s no reason why your CD4 cannot recover. Due to it being 79 its important that you do start meds as soon as you can. There’s info about this here: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

  2. Phindile

    My Cd4 is 79 and I haven’t started meds what are the risks

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nyambura, Having an undetectable viral load means it is under 50. So it sounds as though your treatment is still working well. You can find out more here. CD4 counts can go up and down, even during a single day. The normal CD4 range for HIV negative people is between 400 and 1600. This question has been answered here.

  4. Nyambura

    Hi there am 35 i have been diagnosed since 2005 i have been on on medication or along and my viral load as always been un detected and cd4 has always been above 1000. But this week got my results have been cd4 is 750 and my viral load 25 now this for me is alarming what is ur advice and what has this coused it to be like this. I haven’t missed my medication ever.
    Many thanks

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ibrahim,

    Are you on meds? If you are then your CD4 will begin to climb.If you aren’t then its important that you start meds as soon as possible.You will also need to take co-trimoxazole. This will help with any infections that you might get.

  6. Ibrahim

    My CD4 is 117.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi siphokazi,

    Having HIV shouldn’t be a barrier to having children. Many women all over the world have kids. However, given that your CD4 is low, it would be wise to put any plans to start a family on hold. This is because your body is going to need some time to recover. Once your body is strong again, then yes, there’s no reason why you can’t have kids.

    Owing to your CD4 being low, the following will be helpful:


    Information about having children when positive can be found here:


  8. siphokazi

    My CD4 is 19 and I started the treatment in July 2017. My husband also wants a child, can I do that?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sandeep,

    The first thing you need to do if you already haven’t is start medication. This is because your CD4 is low. You will also need to take co-trimoxaole as well as following the advice that’s given here:


    Once you start meds, your CD4 will begin to increase. Your viral load will also go down. This meaning that your HIV will begin to come under control.

  10. sandeep

    My CD4 count 24 where do I stand?


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