Q and A


I tested HIV positive and my boyfriend’s result was negative. Is this possible?

I just found out that I am HIV positive.

My question is, being that my boyfriend cheats all the time, is it possible for him to test negative, and I positive?

Is it possible he gave it to me?


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you have support in terms of dealing with and coming to terms with your diagnosis. Please follow this link to i-Base Q&A and this link to poz.com in the US that has good forums for information/questions about other people who are recently diagnosed.

It is possible for your boyfriend to test negative. This is because there are many couples who are in the same situation as you are. Where one partner tests HIV positive and the other tests negative, even though they have had sex without a condom over the years. This is because it is not every time that a negative person has unprotected sex with a positive person that they get infected. If your boyfriend really tested HIV negative, then he would not have infected you. It is possible therefore that you could have been infected before you met him.

Having said that though, and without knowing the full circumstances regarding your boyfriend’s test, it is difficult to comment on that. This is something you might find more useful discussing on a one to one, with a health adviser/counsellor.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mashaba,

    If you’ve been having sex with your wife without using protection, then yes there is a chance that she’s contracted HIV. Therefore, she will need to test. This of course means telling her about your status.

  2. mashaba

    I’ve just found out that I’m positive. I cheated on my wife. Is there a chance she’s positive as well?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maya,

    False positives can and do happen. For more info please see the following:


  4. maya

    I was 2 months pregnant when I went to the clinic for checkup. I tested HIV positive. Because I wan’t satisfied with the result I went to the doctor. I tested negative. I asked the doctor how come, he said it was false positive.

  5. Simon Collins
  6. Morning Star

    My girlfriend tested positive and I tested negative. How come we have such results as I never used protection with her.