Q and A


Is it safe to take TB medication with my ARVs?

Hi. I am HIV positive and on ART for 10 months.

My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 180.

Last month I was suffering form breathing problems. Then I went to the doctor and and found fluid in my lungs. They removed that and now they prescribed me TB medicines along with ART.

My ART meds are: Tavin EM (tenofovir and emtricitabine) in the morning; Atazor R (atazanavir and ritonovir (evening).

I also take ZOCOn 150 (1 tab in a weak) and sepmax (one tab afternoon).

My TB medicine is: (1) Ributin150 1 tab alternate day before breakfast; (2) Wysolone 20 after bf for 15 days; (3) Benadon (half tab after bf); (4) pyrazinamide (750 2 tab after lunch); (5) Combutol (1000 1 tab after dinner).

My question is, along with ART medicine, is this combination good for me or is it going to harm me? Please let me know.


Thank you for your question

I appreciate that it must be difficult for you having to take so many meds at the moment. This will only be for a short time though until the TB is treated.

The TB meds you are taking are recommended for TB. It will therefore not harm you as it is meant to cure the TB. The meds are also routinely prescribed even for people taking HIV meds (called ART), as is your case.

One of your meds, the Wysolone, is or treating breathing difficulties, which is one of the things you mentioned in your email.

Although the TB drugs can be tough and have some side effects, you will only need to take them for about 6 to 12 months, depending on the combination. This is the standard for first line regimen which you are on. It is therefore really important that you take thee meds carefully. This means taking them as prescribed by your doctor.

Missing TB meds can cause drug resistance and even MDR TB (multidrug resistant TB). Treatment for MDR TB is longer and has much nastier side effects, so it is best to adhere to your first line regimen in order to cure the TB and ensure that you don’t develop MDR TB. If you have just started taking the TB meds, you should start to feel better within in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck with completing the remaining meds.

Best wishes.

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Asha,

    Low a CD4 of 5 is very low. It is still possible for someone to still be alive with a CD4 this low. It is however very important that this person begins ARVs and as soon as possible.

  2. Asha

    Somebody’s CD4 is 5? And he is still alive.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zandi,

    Its common to give people who are living with HIV TB meds if they live in a TB prone area, or if they’ve had TB. However, before you take them you should ask why you’ve been given them. Also what TB medication were you given and what ARVs are you on?

  4. Zandi

    I’m 37 and just stated my ARVs. When I went to collect my second treatment I was given some tablets which they said there for TB. I just need to more about those tablets. Does it mean I have TB or what? I don’t understand.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Obakeng,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support?

    The rash and the fungal patches that were on your skin, when did these begin? How soon prior to treatment? Also, are you aware of when you may have contracted HIV? I’m asking because the rash could be a possible sign of serconversaion. That said, it would be something else.

    Now that you are on treatment, do you still have the rash? If you do, this is something that you should talk to your doctor about.

  6. Obakeng

    I have recently been diagnosed with HIV. My CD4 is 371. Before I started treatment, I developed fungal patches and had a rash all over my body.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mendy,

    If you’re having problems with your breathing you need to go and see a doctor. If possible, today.

    Your CD4 is very low. Have you started medication? If you have how long have you been on it for? Are you taking anything else? Please see here for what it means to have a CD4 of less than 10:


  8. mendy

    I have a problem I’m HIV positive and my CD4 is 5. I’m having problems with breathing. When I wake up I can’t go long distance and my stomach is pumping fast day n night.

  9. Simon Collins


    You need to talk to your Dad about his health and his treatment. Atazor-r is a generic versions of two HIV meds called atazanavir and ritonavir. These are good drugs but need to be taken with other meds as part of treatment. Sometimes people take these drugs to reduce the risk of catching HIV, but they are mainly used for treatment. Your Dad will need your support if he is getting used to treatment. We can’t diagnose symptoms and the complications of your Dad’s case these are things to talk to the doctor about.

  10. Shelly

    Hey. my dad has been diagnosed with signs of prostate cancer. we have yet to find out how severe it is but the other day the doctor put him on Atazor-R and some other meds. i really dont know much about the medicine and why he is taken it and how safe it is. Ever since he has gotten sick he has had problems walking (pain in his legs and lower back) eating, and using the bathroom. are these symptoms the reason why the doctor has put him on Atazor? thank you.


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