Q and A


Is it safe to take TB medication with my ARVs?

Hi. I am HIV positive and on ART for 10 months.

My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 180.

Last month I was suffering form breathing problems. Then I went to the doctor and and found fluid in my lungs. They removed that and now they prescribed me TB medicines along with ART.

My ART meds are: Tavin EM (tenofovir and emtricitabine) in the morning; Atazor R (atazanavir and ritonovir (evening).

I also take ZOCOn 150 (1 tab in a weak) and sepmax (one tab afternoon).

My TB medicine is: (1) Ributin150 1 tab alternate day before breakfast; (2) Wysolone 20 after bf for 15 days; (3) Benadon (half tab after bf); (4) pyrazinamide (750 2 tab after lunch); (5) Combutol (1000 1 tab after dinner).

My question is, along with ART medicine, is this combination good for me or is it going to harm me? Please let me know.


Thank you for your question

I appreciate that it must be difficult for you having to take so many meds at the moment. This will only be for a short time though until the TB is treated.

The TB meds you are taking are recommended for TB. It will therefore not harm you as it is meant to cure the TB. The meds are also routinely prescribed even for people taking HIV meds (called ART), as is your case.

One of your meds, the Wysolone, is or treating breathing difficulties, which is one of the things you mentioned in your email.

Although the TB drugs can be tough and have some side effects, you will only need to take them for about 6 to 12 months, depending on the combination. This is the standard for first line regimen which you are on. It is therefore really important that you take thee meds carefully. This means taking them as prescribed by your doctor.

Missing TB meds can cause drug resistance and even MDR TB (multidrug resistant TB). Treatment for MDR TB is longer and has much nastier side effects, so it is best to adhere to your first line regimen in order to cure the TB and ensure that you don’t develop MDR TB. If you have just started taking the TB meds, you should start to feel better within in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck with completing the remaining meds.

Best wishes.

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zodwa,

    This is something that your fiance will need to discuss with his doctor. The not be able to sleep could be due to the ARVs or TBmeds.

  2. Zodwa

    my fiance is taking arvs so he started taking tuberculosis medicines a week ago. He always have body pains and sometimes he can’t sleep well at night.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cindy,

    Yes its possible to take TB meds together with ARVs. Its common to start someone on TB meds and then introduce them to ARVs after a few weeks. For more info about starting meds, please see here:


  4. Cindy

    Im HIV+ and i just found out dat i have Tb & im not on arv’s i started TB treatment yesterday and my nurse told mi dat i wil start ARV’S after 2 weeks for tb treatment all i want to know is it ok mix dis treatments

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sunday,

    Yes TB meds can be used at the same time as ARVs. Though this is something that should be explained to your wife by her doctor. Does she actually gave TB or is she being given TB meds as a precaution?

  6. Sunday

    My wife’s been using ARVs for a year. She now needs to use TB meds, is this possible?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cnlo,

    If you’re being sick in the morning because you’re pregnant its very possible that you might have morning sickness, is this something that may be an option?

    How long have you been taking the ARVs for and TB meds? How soon after taking the TB meds are you being sick?

  8. Cnlo

    Hi I’m pregnant and on Tb treatment, I’ve recently started taking my Hiv drugs each and every night and my Tb drug’s every morning but now since I started with Arvs I Vomit out my Tb drug’s after taking them.. But I’m really worried

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Antony,

    Please see Q4 here:


    Though not ideal, if you’re taking Atripla, or a generic version of this, you should be OK.

  10. Antony

    I didn’t take my treatment for two days, will this cause me any harm?


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