Q and A


I am taking PEP, can I have uprotected sex?

I’ve been taking lamzid for 5 days now and I want to find out how this will
affect my pregnant partner when we have unprotected sex?

I am taking lamzid because I slept with someone without a condom and I felt
very unsafe so I went to the doctor within 72 hours and he prescribed lamzid for me.

My pregnant partner is only 7weeks pregnant will this harm our baby?


There is no data on whether PEP can harm the unborn baby. However, unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

For more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission, please follow this link to our guide.

Best wishes


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vincent, how did you pierce your partner? Please see here for information about transmission: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Vincent

    I pierced my finger after piercing my partner…then I come to watch the results since I was taking hiv test the results come positive for my partner.,how risk is this .. please advise

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Sharon, I am really sorry to hear about what happened. How are you now and are you getting any other help? Does your husband know about what happened? If not, then having sex now might be very difficult and traumatic. The PEP will protect you and also him for these few weeks, but you wont know if it has worked ntil 4-6 weeks after the last PEP pill.

  4. Sharon

    I was raped on the 5th of march..I went to clinic they gave me injections and pills for any kind of infection then also put me on PEP..can I sleep with my husband even though I’m on PEP he is HIV negative

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi General, thanks, PEP can stop HIV or sometimes just delay it. It is better to used condoms until your partnes test HIV negative 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP.

  6. General

    I had unprotected sex with my partner n she’s taking PEP will I be infected?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mirry, as you were already taking PEP when you had this second encounter there is no further risk of transmission. While on PEP the treatment will also act as PrEP. This means you are protected from further exposures. You do not need to extend the course of your treatment or start a new one. This second exposure is not any danger.

  8. Mirry

    Hi doctor, I’ve been taking pep for 3 weeks and I had unprotected sex, assuming the person I had sex with is positive is there any danger?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, as you were already taking PEP when you had this second encounter there is no further risk of transmission. While on PEP the treatment will also act as PrEP. This means you are protected from further exposures. You do not need to extend the course of your treatment or start a new one. Just continue with the same dosage as you are doing.

  10. John

    Hie I have been taking PEP for 25 days now but I just had another encounter yesterday,I am remaining with 5pills to finish the 30 days course, I dont know the HIV status of the other person. Am I at high risk of contracting HIV or I can just continue with the same dosage?


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