Q and A


I am taking PEP, can I have uprotected sex?

I’ve been taking lamzid for 5 days now and I want to find out how this will
affect my pregnant partner when we have unprotected sex?

I am taking lamzid because I slept with someone without a condom and I felt
very unsafe so I went to the doctor within 72 hours and he prescribed lamzid for me.

My pregnant partner is only 7weeks pregnant will this harm our baby?


There is no data on whether PEP can harm the unborn baby. However, unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

For more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission, please follow this link to our guide.

Best wishes


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jessica, while you are on PEP you are unaware of your own status. This means there is a potential risk to your partner while on PEP. In most cases people choses to not have sex while on PEP. If you chose to do so it is recommended to use a condom.

  2. Jessica

    I cheated on my negative partner with another man then he flipped the condom inside out and turned it over in a proper way I compromised but later was advised for pep which I did was it necessary?
    If I want to have unprotected sex with my -tive partner will it affect him?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tyler, being on PEP and using a condom means there is no risk of transmission. Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Tyler

    Hello, I had sex few days ago, I’m currently taking PEP and had protective sex with a condom on during oral and vaginal. What are my chances of being safe?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Marcos, please see this online factsheet that answers this question about PEP.

    Your doctor might recommend continuing with a few day more PEP, if there isn’t a break in you taking the meds. Or maybe a longer course of PEP if you stopped for a few days.

    Goiing forwards, it sounds important that you talk to your docto0r about the option to use PrEP. This will reduce your risk in the future. See:

  6. Marcos

    I had sex without a condom on the last day of pep what do I do now

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nak, yes you can masturbate while on PEP. You cannot reinfect yourself with your own cum.

  8. Nak

    Now I am on HIV PEP for about 24 days.

    Question is can I masturbate while i am on this HIV PEP?
    I am afraid that the CUM will reinfect my body by the urethra?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jacinta, a course of PEP is 28 days. You do not need to extend it if you have an exposure while on PEP. PEP will act as PrEP for the duration of the course. Please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  10. Jacinta

    After using pep doze then after 3days have sex with my partner and condom bursts,my partner is positive can 1 stop the doze in8days


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