
How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

I have just found out that I was HIV positive in March, last year. My CD4 count was 270.

I did another test and it was 284 and my doctor said I must start treatment.

I just want to know what I must do to increase my CD4 count without taking treatment.


Hi, how are you doing?

The only way to increase your CD4 is to use HIV treatment (ART).

Your doctor is giving you good information and advice.

Nothing else, including multivitamins, supplements or herbal remedies can increase your CD4 count. Looking after yourself is important – for example, eating a balanced diet, keeping physically and mentally active, reducing stress, sleeping well etc.  But increasing your CD4 count is only proven by using effective HIV meds.

Even though some companies advertise this vitamins and supplements can help your CD4 count, these are scams. There is no such thing as an “immune booster” and no “immune booster” will help your CD4 count or help control HIV.

Why do you want to delay ART or look at other options? HIV meds are really effective – this is what they were designed for.

ART stops HIV from replicating.  The main aim is to reduce your viral load to an undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL). As your viral load goes down, your immune system start to repair itself.  This means that your CD4 count will slowly go up to higher levels again.

Currently South Africa recommendation starting treatment when the CD4 count is below 500 cells/mm3. This may change in the future and treatment might be recommended at any CD4 count. (Note: South African later changed to recommends treatment at any CD4 count).

Here is a link to more information about starting treatment.  Please take your time reading it and if you have any further questions do write back to me.

Are you receiving any support from other people? Getting support from your local support group or a counsellor can help you to come to terms living with HIV. Also you will be able to gain and share experiences with others who are in the similar situation as you, rather than having to deal with it in isolation.

This answer was updated in January 2019 and January 2016 from a question first posted on 2 March 2012.


  1. angelie

    hi im hiv positive found out three years ago,
    i used to be a drug addict and i have hepatitis c as well..recently my cd4 count is below 400 while taking ARV…is it possible that it will reduce slowly..and is hepatitis c dangerous without treated..when together with hiv..

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xyz,

    Firstly you need to be on ARVs, and please follow the advice in this link:

    Do you have a specialist doctor who is overseeing your care?

  3. Xyz

    Cd4 count is very less.. detected very lately
    Count is only 24
    Wat to do

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Karthik,
    66 copies/ml is about undetectable as the cut off for this is set at 50 copies/ml. 405000 copies/ml is high. You can read more about viral load test results here.

  5. karthik

    66copies/ml means ..viral load 405000/ml its low or high

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nat.

    You’re doing really well. Your CD4 count is within the normal range for someone who is negative. The meds are working just great.

  7. Nat

    Hi, after my dignosis in 2015 my cd count was 102 and now after taking the first line ART, it became 520 in 2018. Can I know my condition?

  8. Promise

    Hi I am HIV positive, my CD4 count is 497after 6months ago my CD4 count was 176,I am taking Tribuss every night,for the first 3months I had side effect now I am better,I was suffering with a lung disease,I am encouraging people who are HIV positive to visit their clinic.there is nothing wrong by taking ARV’s.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for posting this comment. You’re right the only way forward is meds.

  10. Nick

    Hi All, I’m a Government Clinician and I implore you all to commence ARV’s ASAP.
    There is no cure for HIV and you will die without them. If you have a super low CD4 count and commence ARV’s your body may have a “kick start reaction” to your immune system commencing it’s rebuilt. The lower your CD4 is the longer it will take to recover. Also be aware if you have been on ARV’s and stop and start you naturally will build a resistance to certain ARV’s and your CD4 will take even longer to come back up and may never get back to what is considered a health CD4 above 400, however anything above 250 you are in safe territory. Don’t listen to anyone but a qualified Clinician and remember a detectable VL means you can pass it on so you have a responsibility to disclosure you status. An undetectable VL means you won’t pass it on. If you have a lower CD4 than 200 be sensible and don’t mix with anyone that has any type of illness to protect yourself until the ARV’s can support your immune system. Even cleaning up cat faeces can send any of you to hospital with complications if you are compromised and a healthy person only left with an upset stomach if optimal hygiene wasn’t observed after cleaning it up. Remember get over the anger, pain, betrayal and get on the meds. You will be in a better place to deal with your mental health to work everything out later. Take responsibility for your own life and wishing you all the best on your journey to a healthy life it’s your choice. There are wonderful support groups, Peer support, government support and friends and family. You’ll be surprised that there is so much help out there. Remember if someone judges you they’re not necessarily rejecting you overall it’s just they themselves don’t know how to cope with such a situation. You too may have been judgmental prior to your conversation? I’m not saying scream your diagnosis from the roof top as once you tell someone you can’t take it back so exercise caution. Depending on where you live it’s highly illegal to discriminate and exclude someone based on a HIV diagnosis.


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