Q and A


How often can one use PEP for unprotected sex?

How often can one use PEP ( AZT with 3TC) for unprotected sex? I have done this three times now (about six months in-between) with my partner as sometimes it is difficult to use a condom and I am afraid to insist that he gets a test done. So far, I have tested negative. Will this result in me being resistant to the drugs in future?


Let us get some things straight. Having unprotected sex with somebody who is known to be positive is like a Russian roulette. You never know when an infection can/will happen. I agree that certain practices are less risky and that there are other factors playing a role, like the viral load of the partner, any other STIs in either of you, etc. Still, every contact in fact, can lead to an infection.

The times you use PEP is not really significant here. What is important is that you may become resistant if you get infected while on a bi-therapy only (triple therapy is used in the UK) and you also limit severely your possible options for treatment in the country where you are after the infection.

Finally, think very seriously about what is more important for you-your life or a relationship with a partner who is ready to threaten your health for a short pleasure. Partnership is about being partners, in other words having equal rights and responsibilities. Again, this is a question of discussion between you and him.

Hope this helps.

All the best!


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Missy, do you know your partners viral load? If he has a viral load below 200 you do not need to be on treatment.

    His own treatment suppressing his viral load will be enough to prevent transmission. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    If you are still concerned you can use treatment to prevent transmission (if his viral load is above 200). Treatment will not be harmful to baby and will not prevent pregnancy.

    Reydin is usually used as treatment or PEP. To prevent transmission before exposure you can use PrEP instead. This is similar to Reydin but used fewer drugs and is more effective.

    PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  2. Missy

    Hi , my partner is HIV positive but he has been taking ARV for little over a year. We decided that I would see a professional less then 10 hours later after we had unprotected sex for the first time. Since I have been on Reydin, that I have to take for 30days. While I have been on this medication, we have been trying to have a baby, meaning unprotected sex ,while he is faithfully on his treatment and me on the Reydin. I have to return after 30 days to get tested. Are we on the right track in terms of making sure that I remain negative same time trying to get pregnant? Please help!

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Christy, please see here for information about transmission: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Christy

    I had unprotected sex not knowing his HIV positive around January and again around February but I found out after my third sex on 23 February and I enroll on TLD(PEP) within 20hours of exposure

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Adjoa, it is great to hear your husband is now on antiretroviral treatment. When were you last tested yourself?

    After 3 months most people will have an undetectable viral load. This means they have a viral load below 200. When this happens and they are on treatment it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex. This would protect you from transmission. As you have only been having unprotected sex in the last 2 months, your husband would have likely already had a suppressed viral load preventing transmission.

    This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Adjoa

    My husband is on antiretrovira drug for six months and some weeks now ,for two months now we’ve been having unprotected sex so am scared I will contract the virus


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