Q and A


How often can one use PEP for unprotected sex?

How often can one use PEP ( AZT with 3TC) for unprotected sex? I have done this three times now (about six months in-between) with my partner as sometimes it is difficult to use a condom and I am afraid to insist that he gets a test done. So far, I have tested negative. Will this result in me being resistant to the drugs in future?


Let us get some things straight. Having unprotected sex with somebody who is known to be positive is like a Russian roulette. You never know when an infection can/will happen. I agree that certain practices are less risky and that there are other factors playing a role, like the viral load of the partner, any other STIs in either of you, etc. Still, every contact in fact, can lead to an infection.

The times you use PEP is not really significant here. What is important is that you may become resistant if you get infected while on a bi-therapy only (triple therapy is used in the UK) and you also limit severely your possible options for treatment in the country where you are after the infection.

Finally, think very seriously about what is more important for you-your life or a relationship with a partner who is ready to threaten your health for a short pleasure. Partnership is about being partners, in other words having equal rights and responsibilities. Again, this is a question of discussion between you and him.

Hope this helps.

All the best!


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Sabban, PEP is not recommended as a way to protect your partner. Technically, if the PEP doesn’t work, you could have detectable viral load that could put your partner at risk. As with other treatments for sexually transmitted infections, it is recommended not to have sex.

  2. Sabban

    In case am taking pep ..and having sex with my partner who is negative can ..is there any her to get infected by me ..when am on my pep

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Denis

    PEP is not prescribed as a way to prevent further HIV transmission.

    It is prescribed to perhaps reduce the chance that someone becomes HIV positive after a risk.

    If this risk was high, then PEP might not work. Usually, it is not know whether or not PEP is effective until a viral load test 4-6 weeks after the last PEP dose.

  4. Denis

    I am using pep and am sleeping with a negative partner can she get infect

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bella,

    By the way, we are not doctors at i-Base. But the answer is yes you can. There is little risk of HIV transmission if you use condoms.

    Please see this page about PEP. After a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is because PEP can delay infection.

  6. bella

    Hi doctor, my question is!
    Am I allowed to have protected sex when taking PEP?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Peter,

    PEP is used to protect against HIV. So if you are HIV negative you can’t have HIV that is drug resistant.

    Perhaps if you think you’re at repeated risk of HIV you can ask about PrEP. Please see this link to info about PEP and PrEP.

  8. Peter

    Kindly advice me doctor I have been using PEP frequently and so far good .now my question is will I become drug resistant due to the frequent use of it.

  9. Andrew

    Thats a good guideline

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Busi,

    PrEP and PEP are two different things. Please see here: http://i-base.info/pep-and-prep/


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