Q and A


Could changing from Atripla to Tribuss have caused my viral load to increase?

During my last test (6 months ago) my VL was less than 40.

Three months ago, my medical aid changed my medication from Atripla to Tribuss and have been taking my medication regurlaly as required.

I just received my latest test results now and my VL is 686. Could the change of medication have caused the VL to increase? Is it normal that it would increase so significantly in such a small period of time?

What could have caused the VL to increase so much?


Tribuss is a generic version of the brand name drug Atripla. They contain the same chemical properties and it is unlikely that swapping from one to the other would cause a change in how effective they treatment was.

Your doctor will need to find out why your viral load has increased and if this is a real result. How are you doing with taking your meds? These drugs are usually able to keep viral load undetectable if you are careful to take them at the same time every day. Are you taking any other medications that might be affecting your drug levels?

It’s important to have a second test to confirm these results. This is because there is a possibility that this could be a temporary blip or a lab error, and this needs to be checked before any change of treatment is made.

Did your clinic draw blood for another test when you received your last test results?

If the second test result shows that your viral load has increased your doctor will probably discuss the options for changing treatment. If possible you should have a resistance test to see if you have developed resistance to any of the drugs in your combination.

Please take a look at this link for more information about viral load tests and changing treatment.


  1. Nozi

    I have been taking Atripla for 3-4months now and I’m always tired most recently I cry a lot and I’m losing weight (have no appetite either). I’ve also noticed some spots on my skin like the ones you’d get in winter when spending most of the day next to the heater (not itchy but won’t go away). My cd4 is 840 and vl undetectable
    I’m considering changing medication but to what? I don’t want to go to the same Dr he is not helpful and the next appointment I got with a specialist is in a weeks time.
    Atripla also makes me drowsy after taking it but that’s a minor issue. I just want my energy levels, bubbly self and weight back.

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Buyie,

    Can I ask why you stopped taking your treatment?

    When somebody stops taking their ARVs it is normal for the viral load to increase very quickly. This doesn’t mean you are going to die, but it is important that you speak to your doctor about restarting treatment. You will need to monitor your viral load when you restart to make sure that your treatment is still effective. Sometimes people who take a break in their treatment will need to change to a different treatment regime if they have developed drug resistance.

    Have you spoken to your doctor about whether you feel ready to restart treatment?

  3. buyie

    I defaulted for about three months, my test came back showing a very high viral load if 1000? Am I going to die?

  4. Rebecca McDowall

    Some people do experience nightmares with Tribuss. This is related to efavirenz, one of the drugs in Tribuss. Are you experiencing nightmares?

  5. Jstice

    Hi, is It True that tribuss gives You nightmares?

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nene,
    Atroiza and Tribuss are the same treatment. The only difference is that they are made by different companies and may look and taste different. They work in the same way though and your sister shouldn’t notice any difference in side effects or how effective her treatment is.

  7. Nene

    Hi my sister has been started on atroiza but when she went back to the clinic they have changed to tribuss is the any difference

  8. sibongile

    When I was changed from Atripla to Tribuss by my medical aid I was very frustrated by I have noticed that nothing was wrong with Tribuss. My viral load is undetacted as of now in a very short space of time. Something that I need to hear from anyone using Tribuss is: after taking Tribuss, does one feel asleep or have diziness. I just cannot define how I feel after taking it. As a result I always have to do things quick because I know it won’t allow me to do anything after I took it.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Sibongile,
    I’m glad that you haven’t had any problems switching between Atripla and Tribuss- these are the same drugs, Tribuss is just a generic version which means it is cheaper.

    Most people find that taking Tribuss just before bed is easiest because of the tiredness/dizzness it can cause. This is because of one of the drugs in Tribuss and Atripla which is called efavirenz. You can read about efavirenz side effects here.

  10. Simon Collins


    Please see the FAQs on side effects and the links to the articles there.

    You should talk to your doctor about any health problems you are worried about.


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