Q and A


Could changing from Atripla to Tribuss have caused my viral load to increase?

During my last test (6 months ago) my VL was less than 40.

Three months ago, my medical aid changed my medication from Atripla to Tribuss and have been taking my medication regurlaly as required.

I just received my latest test results now and my VL is 686. Could the change of medication have caused the VL to increase? Is it normal that it would increase so significantly in such a small period of time?

What could have caused the VL to increase so much?


Tribuss is a generic version of the brand name drug Atripla. They contain the same chemical properties and it is unlikely that swapping from one to the other would cause a change in how effective they treatment was.

Your doctor will need to find out why your viral load has increased and if this is a real result. How are you doing with taking your meds? These drugs are usually able to keep viral load undetectable if you are careful to take them at the same time every day. Are you taking any other medications that might be affecting your drug levels?

It’s important to have a second test to confirm these results. This is because there is a possibility that this could be a temporary blip or a lab error, and this needs to be checked before any change of treatment is made.

Did your clinic draw blood for another test when you received your last test results?

If the second test result shows that your viral load has increased your doctor will probably discuss the options for changing treatment. If possible you should have a resistance test to see if you have developed resistance to any of the drugs in your combination.

Please take a look at this link for more information about viral load tests and changing treatment.


  1. Rebeca

    Hello, I have a question about medication. When I was first diagnosed they gave me these pills that contains (efavirenz 600mg + emtricitabine 200mg + tenofobir 300mg ) it was a pink pill. And I took it for one month and was feeling better, but now my doctor just changed my pills to different ones the new ones are white with the letter (M TLE ) I googled it and apparently it contains (efavirenz 400mg + lamiduvir 300mg + tenofobir 300mg) now my question is, is that safe for me? Or am I going to have resistance. I don’t know why they changed my medication I was getting used to it. Please I need help I don’t want to have resistance to medication

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Allan,

    tribuss is already being replaced by another ARV combination, at least in many countries in Sub Saharan Africa. However, if you’re happy taking it, then as long as your doctor is supportive, then yes you can continue to take it.

    Forever is a long time.

  3. Allan

    Can you take tribuss forever ? No need to change ?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xolo,

    This sounds like something that a dermatologist will need to look at. If it were a reaction to the meds, they wouldn’t be working as well as they are. Its great though that your viral load is undetectable and that your CD4 is so high.

  5. Xolo

    I started my medication after I gave birth. I had this rush on my legs and I went to my doctor and he changed the medication to tribuss. But I never took the name of the meds that I took while I was pregnant and after the pregnancy I took a break of three months because I thougt it was not necessary since my cd4 was above 500 and my GP never explained to me that I have to proceed my ARVs. Last year this redish rush came back and it was a lot in my legs. I went for a second opinion and the Doctor gave me antibiotics for six months . The dark spots that were left by the rush was dissapearing. But beginig of this month the rush appeared again and only on my left leg . What could be the cause because since 2015 the viral load has been undectatable and my cd4 has gone up to 1065.

  6. Robin Jakob


    You should talk to your clinic about your symptoms. They can help you work out what is causing them. If it is your meds they can let you know if there are alternatives available.

  7. Cindy

    I’m 7 months pregnant and i hv been taking Trivenz for 2months now. What is happening is I am losing appettite n weight. I do not feel myself. Please help.

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Mandisa

    Great to hear you are feeling more positive about treatment again. Lots of women stop treatment after pregnancy, especially if their CD4 count was high beforehand. The clinic will talk to you about your options again.

  9. Mandisa

    Hi i stopped my Tribuss 5months ago. I think i was not ready for treatment but I used it because i was pregnant. After i gave birth i didnt care to take treatment and now i want to take it again forever. Now im ready but im scared to go to my local clinic.

  10. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nozi,

    It sounds like changing treatment to a combination that doesn’t include efavirenz (one of the drugs in Atripla) could be a good option. This drug is linked to side effects like mood changes and problems sleeping. What you will be able to change to will depend on which country you live in but this previous question discusses common alternative treatments.

    Weight loss is not normally associated with these drugs so it’s a good idea to think about what else could be causing this and discuss this with your doctor. I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with your current doctor- is there another one you could see at your clinic instead?


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