Q and A


What does a CD4 count of 26 mean?

I tested HIV positive 3 weeks ago. When I asked the Doctor how is my CD4, all he said reluctantly is 26. He then said I must start therapy as this is very low and he prescribed Trimmune and Purbac.

I am a bit confused as to what does this 26 means. Is it a CD4 percentage or what? How do labs indicate the CD4 count on their reports, in percentages? I could not understand the lab report as it was written in Afrikaans.


I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. How are you coping? Has your doctor put you in touch with support groups for people living with HIV? Talking through how you feel with people who understand can be really helpful.

It’s good that you’ve been diagnosed now. You have  been caught just at the right time. This is because a CD4 count of 26 means your immune system is weak. You are very lucky, therefore, that your were diagnosed before you got ill.

I can appreciate your confusion as your doctor wasn’t very helpful in explaining your results.  However, he has  given you good advice about starting treatment.  The WHO (World Health Organisation) treatment guidelines recommend starting with a CD4 count of 350 or below. It’s important, therefore, that you start treatment as advised.

The good news is, once you start treatment, your CD4 count will start to increase. This could take a while as you are starting with a low CD4 count. Don’t worry if this  happens as it is not uncommon. Please follow this link to our guide which explains  how CD4 counts increase once you start treatment.

In response to your second question, CD4 tests measure your immune system. (In addition to CD4 count, CD4% is a second test for measuring your immune system).

Our guide to An introduction to combination therapy  has more information about  CD4 tests. The guide also answers a lot of general questions you may have around treatment.

You may find that you still have some more questions after you read the guide. If you do, then please feel free to contact me on the email below.


In  the meantime, you can also contact TAC (Treatment Action Campaign). TAC are based in South Africa.  They will be able to put in touch with support groups near you. They can also support you around understanding your test results and communicating with your doctor.

Best wishes.


  1. Mpho

    My cd4 account is 15 and I am erolling on Monday…my problem is diarrhoea and diziness

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jan,

    Your CD4 count is good. However, the fact that you have a rash is something that needs to be checked out. Its very possible that its just a simple side effect, however it could be a sign that your body is rejecting the meds that you’re on. Therefore, please talk to your doctor about this. But don’t stop taking the meds.

    Feeling weak and wanting to vomit is very common. And this should go within a few weeks.

    There’s more about starting meds here:


  3. JAN

    My name is Jan and I am taking HIV treatment. My CD4 count was 506 but now it has been two weeks taking the treatment. My body has something like an Allergy rash and every morning I feel weak like I could vommit. I am stressed out about my life. Please help me if I am on the right phase of HIV treatment.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sam,

    Could you please send us through exactly what was written on your results. If you could we’ll be able to explain. Also, what’s your viral load? Are you on treatment?

  5. sam

    please my cd sell is 24.64% l 28 -58 , can someone explain better

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Happiness, if our CD4 count is 28 then lease talk to your doctor about changing to a different combination. You need to get a much higher CD4 count before you try for a baby. The CD4 count usually drop a little during pregnancy, so you wan this to be higher first. A CD4 coutn of 28 means you are at high risk of serious infection. You should be on both a new HIV combination and antibiotics. Your doctor also needs to be checking your eyes. Please let me know how you get on with this.

  7. happiness

    goodmorning pls i need your help my CD4was 100
    since 2014 ,since then counting 100 and now i did
    cd4 test is now 28 and am married since july ,cant
    get pregnant, please can you help me on what to

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Kagiso,

    What is your CD4 count, and what was it when you were diagnosed. The only way to increase your CD4 count is to take HIV medication called anti-retrovirals (ARVs).

  9. Simon Collins


    Without details about your latest CD4 count and how it has changed it is difficult to comment. For example your count could still be very high and you are worried just about a change in numbers that doesn’t relate to your actual health.

    If your CD4 count is already lower than 350, and especially if it is lower than 200, then starting ARV meds is recommended.

    This is the only way to stop if dropping lower, and to help reverse this to increase it again.

  10. Kagiso

    I have beep positive for two years now and my CD4 count is droping fast how can I strengtheng my CD4?


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