Q and A


Can I take Tribuss with food?

Hi! I am 35 years and started taking my tribuss pill in February 2012. My problem is that I cant take the pill on an empty stomach. Can this make the pill to disfunction?



Thank-you for your question.

Tribuss is a generic combination treatment which contains three HIV drugs. These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. In the UK, this combination in a single pill is called Atripla.

Tribuss is usually recommended to be taken on an empty stomach is to reduce side effects. This is up to 60% more efavirenz is absorbed if it is taken with a high fat meal.

This would mean there is more efavirenz than you need and you may be more likely to get side effects. Side effects from efavirenz include dizziness, mood changes and sleep disturbance. Please follow this link for more information about efavirenz side effects.

However, the increased levels of efavirenz are connected to a high fat meal.

If you prefer to take Tribuss with some food this is fine, just not with fatty foods.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Palesa, please follow this link for information about having unprotected sex when you are both positive.

    Please see this previous question for information about the pros and cons of starting treatment with a high CD4 count.

  2. palesa


    My husband is on tribuss and my cd4 count is still 1295(not on medication.) Sometimes we wish to have unprotected sex.What harm will this bring. Will my Cd4 count decrease? and what about his?

    My Doctor told me that in US people with 1000 cd4 counts takes ARV. Will it be problem if I take them at my level?if not are they any conseguences I will suffer afterwards?

    Pls reply.


  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Your nurse has given you the wrong information. Tribuss is a combination pill containing 3 ARVs- efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir- in the UK it is called Atripla. This is a very effective treatment for HIV. Your husband should talk to his doctor about these side effects though. It’s important that a doctor looks at his rash to make sure this is nothing serious. Please see more about rashes in our side effects guide.

  4. palesa

    Hi, I was at the clinic yesterday to ask about the side effects that my husband is having.I explain to the nurse that my husband has rush and its iching especialy at night.She asked me what medication is on. I told him that he is tribuss and it was prescribed by his doctor. She told me that Tribuss is not arv, my husband need to come to the clinic to take the right arv. Please explain to me if maybe my husband is taking the wrong medication and if tribuss are arv.


  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Ayanda, I’m sorry but I don’t understand your question- can you make it clearer? It is OK to change the time you take Tribuss but once you have changed you should try to stick to the same time each day.

  6. Ayanda

    I want to know I started using tribuss last month and I was taking them @ 12 anddthen I asked my doctor he said yes I can so I but. Now I changed to 8pm instead o5pm can I change now

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi. You need to ask your pharmacist and doctor about this. It is important to ask about because one you start HIV meds (Tribuss) it is usually best to continue taking them. Sometimes if you just used meds during pregnancy, it is ok to stop afterwards if your CD4 count is very high.

    If the healthcare system is changing you need to know about this. OR it may be a mistake or mean something else.

    Purbec is a combination of two antibiotics that are important to take when your CD4 count is low to protect against other infections. It is also an active treatment for some conditions.

  8. Ava

    I’ve been on Tribuss ,Centrum and Purbac since last year October I have received my meds now and its highlighted last repeat ,does this mean my mefication will change.

  9. Simon Collins


    Centrum is a manufacturer of multivitamins and they produced different combinations and formulations. None of these will interact with HIV meds, so from a safety perspective this will not do any harm.

    Multivitamins are unlikely to have any clinical benefit, especially if you already eat a balanced diet, but they are unlikely to do any harm.

  10. palesa

    Hi, My husband has just started with Tribuss treatment. My CD4 Count is still very high(1295).I am taking centrum. I want my husband to take Cetrum together with tribuss tables. Will this cause any harm to him?



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