Q and A


I have pain and symptoms after switching to Tribuss

I have been using lamivudine, stavudine and nevirapine for 3 years.

My doctor just changed me to Tribuss last month, and its been 3 weeks taking it.

I have this pain in my arms, back of my legs, feel very tired, feel hot inside…Is this normal?



These symptoms are not common side effects from the three drugs in Tribuss (efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir).

As with any symptom that you are worried about, please contact your doctor so that s/he can go through your concerns in detail.

This means that your doctor can test for less common side effects or other things that might be causing this.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Portia,
    We can’t diagnose symptoms online and it is important to discuss this with your doctor, especially if you are in pain or have symptoms that are worrying you.

  2. Portia

    Hi! I am on treatment since 2006 and my doctor just change my medication,I have 4 weeks since I started using tribuss. I realised have itchy breast and its getting bigger cramps in my stomach,headaches,tiredness pins on my spine is this normal.?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Lusanda,
    Not everybody gets difficult side effects from Tribuss- millions of people are taking these drugs and most of them find them easy to tolerate. If you do get side effects speak to your doctor about how to make these easier, but until you get them try not to worry too much.

  4. lusanda

    i’m worried , my doctor has just prescribed the Tribuss and I worry if I may get any bad side effects,

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi, I am sorry that you have these body changes. It sounds like you are describing side effects called lipodystrophy. The changes are most likely to be related to the use of stavudine for several years. Now you have changed treatment, the changes should not get any worse, but they are also difficult to reverse. Several studies reported that switching from stavudine to tenofovir (one of the drugs in Tribuss) increases fat that was lost to the legs, but this is only slowly and over several years. Getting fat back to the buttocks is very difficult.

    More information from the side effect guide is at the pages on lipodystrophy, on fat loss and on fat gain.

    Please talk to your doctor about this.

  6. PULE

    i have been on nevarapine, stavudine and lamivudine since 2008 and changed to tribuss in 2011, now i’ve realised is that i have a big belly, my breast also are big and have slim legs, my shape have changed completely and also have flat buttocks. what might be cause of all these?

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nkayiso,

    Any symptom should be discussed with a doctor, especially if it is causing you a lot of pain. This pain could be a sign of peripheral neuropathy, although this is unusual with modern drugs like Tribuss.

  8. nkanyiso

    I’ve been using tribuss for past two months. The pains that I feel in feet are unbearable, also I’m feeling tire very often. But before I’ve been doing ok. There must be something with the drug.

  9. Simon Collins

    It is fairly common for people to feel worse for the first few weeks than they did before starting treatment. Usually this gets better. Everything about treatment should be individualised though, so you need to continue to discuss this with your doctor. If the side effects are too difficult, then ask about other options. I can’t know my email how this is changing for you each day or how the symptoms are. Some people continue and find they improve and others change because the side effects are too much.

  10. Brenda

    im also on Tribuss (4weeks now) n have been feeling very hot inside as well n having back pains. This drug really does not feel right coz i was fine before taking it now iv been sick for 4weeks but my doctor says i shud try n fight it coz it the best n good for me but it deos not feel like that.


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