Q and A


Why did my partner test positive when I tested negative?

My partner and I have been together for six years. He tested positive three years ago.

Automatically assuming I would be infected already we continued to have unsafe sex. I never went for a test until three years later in 2012.

He was beginning his treatment and wanted me to do the same, but when I went to my local clinic I tested HIV negative.

Can I trust these results or should I worry about testing HIV positive in near future? I’m so confused!


The risk of catching HIV is low compared to many other infections.

So your situation is common to still be negative even if without condoms with someone who is HIV positive. Your negative result is also related to good luck – so it is not good to rely on this in the future.

As your partner has just started treatment, the risk of transmission will already be much lower. Then, once his viral load becomes undetectable the risk is effectively zero.

The PARTNER studies showed that ART stops sexual transmission.  For example, after more than 100,000 times that an HIV positive person had sex without a condom with an HIV negative partner, there were ZERO transmissions. Viral load just needs to be undetectable on ART.

This and other studies led to the U=U campaign (undetectable = untransmittable).

This guide to HIV testing and risks of sexual transmission includes more info on transmission risk. Also, the answer to Question 9 on our most asked questions page:
Can we stop using condoms if viral load is undetectable on treatment?

If your partner is not on treatment or if he still has detectable viral load, then using condoms will make sure you stay negative. Another option is to talk to your doctor about PtRP, which is where you can take a pill that will protect you against HIV. The UK guide to PrEP has more info.

Note: This answer was updated in 2016, 2018 and 2022 from a question first posted online in July 2012.


  1. Lina

    Hi iam hiv positive.my viral load in undetected and cd4 count is 850.I mety bf 2months ago.lastweek a condom blust while we having sex and he continue.I tried to tell him to wear a condom he refused and I ddnt tell him that am positive what are the chances that he might be infected pls help

  2. Lisa Thorley
  3. sandy

    Dear sir,
    I had done my hiv pcr test, and fourth generation after 35 days of unprotected sex and it is negative result.
    But after 40 days i have some red spots on my both hand,no fever or sore throat and no night sweating.but some muscle aches.so what i can do?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nudia,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support? Have you started meds yet?

    I can’t say how you became infected with HIV. However, if you’ve had unprotected sex since 2015, then this may be the cause. If you have a partner, do they know what their status is?

  5. Nudia

    In 2015 I was pregnant, I had tests done for all sexual transmitted diseases and they where all negative … A months a go I had an outbreak and it turns out that I’m positive . How … I’m confused.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Charlotte,

    For what undetectable means, please see here:


    Please also be aware that i-base are an organisation that work with and for people who are living with HIV.

  7. Charlotte

    M not sure what this undetectable word means?
    If he is on this kind of treatment does it mean that his undetectable? does this metication lower the amount of HIV in your body?
    M not sure weather i must ask him about this or must i just test n leave him

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Charlote,

    Odimune is a generic version of an ARV called Atripla. Its used to treat and control HIV.
    If he’s undetectable, the risk is close to zero. If he isn’t then yes, you are at risk. This is why unless you know someones status, condoms will always be the best option.

  9. Charlotte

    Good day….
    I recently met A guy i really liked and we decided to date 5 days into the relationship we had sex without a condom we wer both worried about pregnancy so i took morning after pills
    Later that day as i was cleaning i found ODIMUNE pills in his closet, of course i did not know what they are for untill i googled them and got a shock of my life
    …i asked him if we can go test he said Yes but his answer was not convincing his facial expressions looked wrong he further said he tested negative a few months ago and i dont believe him at all

    If he is positive i have no idea when he has diagnosed or what his viral load is or his CD4 count..my questions are is ODIMUNE only for people with HIV or can he be using it for something else…if he is on treatment can he be highly infectious?

    I am very scared that i cud ve infected
    What are my chances of being infected?
    I am scared of doing a HIV test i tested negative 3 months ago..

    Please help me

  10. Lisa Thorley