Q and A


I stopped Sustiva (efavirenz) early in treatment


My first combination was Sustiva (efavirenz)and Kivexa (abacavir + 3TC). But I found the CNS side effects of Sustiva difficult to deal with and after day 11 switched the Sustiva to raltegravir.

Is this ok – are there any drawbacks of having done this?

I have also developed a rash which was at day 11 which is being monitored closely – I take it because this could be linked to hypersensitivity issues with Kivexa.

Where the rash subsists could this still be due to the Sustiva even though I am not taking it now?

Am I correct that Sustiva can remain in your system for 2 to 3 weeks after stopping? I am also taking a daily antihistamine. Thanks.



Thank-you for your email.

Changing Sustiva (efavirenz) early in treatment because of side effects is not unusual, nor is it something to be worried about. 2-3% of people taking efavirenz change in the first few weeks because of this. You can read more about this in our side effects guide.

It is good that your doctor in monitoring your rash closely. It is likely that this is to rule our a hypersensitivity reaction to abacavir.

Sustiva does also sometimes cause a rash in the early weeks of treatment. Some studies have shown that Sustiva can still be detected in the body up to 8 weeks after stopping treatment. So it is possible that this rash may be related to efavirenz. Raltegravir is also linked to a rash though, so it’s important to bear this in mind.

If you are taking any antihistamine it’s important that your doctor and pharmacist knows about this to avoid any drug interactions.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi John

    Without more details about the type of pain and your detailed history is is difficult to comment specifically.

    Your question is more about accessing healthcare and getting your doctors to take this seriously.

    The more detail you can take to the next appointment, the more they are likely to be able to help.

    Keep a side effect diary for the next month with as much detail as possible. Include the times this happens, for how long, and how serious the pain is. This might help your doctor see a pattern.

    Your doctor shoul dbe able to have an explaination or possible diagnosis. Ths might be unrelated to HIV or the meds.

    The information on this page might help:

  2. john

    Why do I still have unexplained pain everyday of my life for a least 1 to 2 hrs and goes away without taking any pain killers,can it be side effects of more than 10 years on kivexa and viramune treatment..has some one out there experienced something like this.all the doctors I see for my visits seem to brush the problem away and yet it affects my quality of life.is the any one who have any idea what it could be or what course of action I should take to address it.


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