Q and A


Do ARVs cause nightmares?

Is it true that when one starts the medication nightmares and bad dreams are part of the side effects? If yes for how long do u have them or is there alternative med to stop it?



Thanks for your email. Nightmares can be a side effect of two ARVs- efavirenz and rilpivirine. This usually improves after the first few weeks of treatment, although for some people this can continue and may be a reason to change treatment. Please see our side effects guide for more information, and let me know if you have any questions after reading this.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Christopher,

    If you’ve never had issues with horrible dreams since you started meds then its very unlikely that the meds are what’s caused the dreams. Scary dreams can be caused due to stress and numerous other things.

  2. Christopher

    I’ve been on ARVS for 2 years now and I’ve been taking efavirenz but in this pass 2 nights I’ve been having very strange dreams and scary horrible dreams that I can’t even explain.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Richie,

    For possible causes for insomnia, please see here:


  4. richie

    What causes insomnia? I fail to sleep early .

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nthabi,

    Have you just started ARVs? If you have what are you taking? Also, when you say bad things, what do you mean?

  6. Nthabi

    When I close I’m eyes I see bad things.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Grace. Nightmares are not reported as side effects of these meds. It is good to talk to your doctor but it is more likely this is just bad dreams rather than a side effect. Is anything else worrying you in your life that makes your sleep so unsettled. This link has more info about tips for better sleep.

  8. grace

    I do take alluvia and truvada pills. but I have been experiencing nightmares since I started taking these medication.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Paul,
    Are you taking efavirenz or nevirapine now? Nightmares are a common side effect of efavirenz but are not usually linked to nevirapine. If you are experiencing difficult nightmares speak to your doctor about this.

  10. paul

    i am five months gone with ds treament yet have nigthmares after changing frm efavirenz to niverapine


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