Q and A


Do ARVs cause nightmares?

Is it true that when one starts the medication nightmares and bad dreams are part of the side effects? If yes for how long do u have them or is there alternative med to stop it?



Thanks for your email. Nightmares can be a side effect of two ARVs- efavirenz and rilpivirine. This usually improves after the first few weeks of treatment, although for some people this can continue and may be a reason to change treatment. Please see our side effects guide for more information, and let me know if you have any questions after reading this.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Portia,

    I’m sorry to hear that your Mom sounds very unwell.

    It’s good that she started HIV meds in July. But you can ask her doctors if the HIV meds are working as well as they should. If not, you can ask if there are other meds that will be better for her to take. You can also check if she is taking meds that might be needed for other symptoms, such as struggling to talk. Please ask the doctor if they have diagnosed these problems and ask if there is treatment for your Mom. This includes the soft lump on her head.

    You can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They can give local support to help you with your Mom’s care.

    Please let us know how you get on. Best wishes to you and your Mom.

  2. Portia


    I am from South Africa. So,my mom is 63years she recently just found out that she is HIV positive. She started her meds on the 14th of July and it has been 3 months now. She is extremely sick,she can’t walk and struggles to talk. She now has weird dreams of people coming to fetch her. I’m honestly panicking and don’t know what to do.

    She also has a soft lump on her head and it sweats a lot. Could it be the treatment that causes all this?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jeanet.

    If you’re on Atripla, or a generic version of Atripla, this could explain the nightmares. If this is the case, you may need to change to a different combination. Your doctor should be able to give you something for the diarrhea.

  4. Jeanet

    Hi I’m started med 3weeks back but now I’ve got bad nightmares and diarrhea

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gugu.

    The possible side effects that you’ve mentioned shouldn’t last no more than a few weeks. If they are too much to tolerate then you will need to talk to your doctor about changing.

    Being on meds is what will protect your baby. Please see here for more info:

  6. Gugu

    Am pregnant and i have startef using trivenz 2days ago. Ohk i understand the dizziness. But i cant tolerate being dry on my throat and nightmares and cramps. What can i do to get rid of this cause now i really want to protect the baby

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tinna,
    Most medication can come with side effects. But different people can be affected in different ways. So some people don’t get nightmares – but others do. There are many frequently asked questions about side effects, you can see them here.

  8. Tinna

    If this is known problem why do they produce such kind of medication?!

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Senate,

    If the nightmares are this bad, I would suggest that you talk to your doctor about changing meds. This is because ARVs aren’t supposed to make your life difficult, they’re meant to help control your HIV.

  10. Senate

    The bad dreams start off so lightly… Then when I just think I’m in control, everything becomes too much. Wake up with shivers and even still everything seems soo real. I pray but my heart beat tells me I’m still spooked. Turn the lights on just in case it was real because the faces were familiar. The place was familiar.. If thus means I am going to leave with this all my life,I just pray nightmares be not the package.


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