Q and A


Do ARVs cause nightmares?

Is it true that when one starts the medication nightmares and bad dreams are part of the side effects? If yes for how long do u have them or is there alternative med to stop it?



Thanks for your email. Nightmares can be a side effect of two ARVs- efavirenz and rilpivirine. This usually improves after the first few weeks of treatment, although for some people this can continue and may be a reason to change treatment. Please see our side effects guide for more information, and let me know if you have any questions after reading this.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Anu, thanks for saying that some meds can cause dreams. This is NOT something that you have to put up with though. Please tell your doctor that the side effects are too difficult and that you want to use a different HIV treatment, Other HIV combinations do not cause this side effect and you can ask to try these instead.

    No-one should have to take meds that give them bad dreams – it should be easy to change.

    Scientists are working on a vaccine but this might still take a long time.

  2. Anu

    Yes this is true. Dreams can come after taking Trioday tablets. Everyone says this is part of side effects as part of taking treatment. And that we have to suffer from these dreams until there is a vaccine. Please confirm a vaccine is coming.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi D, I am sorry to hear your husband is having poor dreams. What HIV medication is he taking?

  4. D

    My husbands dreams still continue for years blows

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zizipho, I am sorry to hear this has been going on for quite some time. There are some HIV medication that can cause bad dreams and hallucinations. Have you spoken to your doctor about this? Often these side effects can go after a few weeks but if it has been a while speaking to your doctor may help and a different ARV combination may be more suitable.

  6. Zizipho

    Please assist I’ve been having bad dreams and hallucinations ever since I started with arvs and it has quite a long time now

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sipho,

    I’m not sure why you’ve been given Tribuss, Tribuss isn’t used as PEP.

    PEP is a combination of different ARVs. PEP is Truvada and two tablets of raltegravir.

    If you’re having nightmares, which are a common side effect, there isn’t really that much you can do. The side effect should decrease after a few weeks.

  8. Sipho

    My partner tested positive and I tested negative and was then prescribed tribuss for 28 days, but the weird dreams are tough, how do I overcome them?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Grace,

    What ARVs are you taking? If it’s a combination that contains efavirenz this could explain the nightmares and sleep issues. Have you been talking your meds for more than 2 weeks?

  10. Grace

    Hi. My name is Grace
    I have started taking my medication from
    Jan 2021 and sleepless night and nightmares
    I thought there is something wrong so m greatful to know its normal because of the pills. Mood changes all


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