Q and A


We had unprotected sex, is my boyfriend at risk?

I’m on treatment like for two years then I met a guy last year August and he said he wants a baby. I didn’t tell him about my status until early this year cause I notice that during sex he removed the condom penis so we had unprotected sex for sometimes. Now what are the chances of him been HIV positive and how does me been on treatment gonna affect him as he is circumcised.



Thanks for your email.

If you are on treatment, and your viral load was undetectable when you had unprotected sex, then the risk of your boyfriend being infected is very low. When your viral load is undetectable then there is very little virus in your body, and this makes it more difficult for HIV to be transmitted. You can read more about this in our testing and transmission guide.

If your boyfriend is circumcised this can also reduce the chance of him being infected. Again you can read about this in our testing and transmission guide.

Although the risk is likely to be close to zero in this situation the only way your boyfriend can be sure of his HIV status is to get tested. It’s also important to remember that unprotected sex can lead to other sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy, and it’s important to be aware of both of these.

If you are thinking about trying for a baby have a look at our guide to pregnancy and women’s health for information about this.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Perseverance,

    You should only have sex without using a condom if you want to. No one can insist that you don’t use one. This is because its your body.

    In relation to your HIV, because you’ve been on meds for 16 months your viral load should be undetectable. If it is, then the risk of you transmitting HIV to your boyfriend is close to zero. For more info, please see here:


    Therefore, if you’re happy with this, then you can have sex without using condoms.

  2. Perseverance

    I’ve been HIV positive for a year and four months and I’ve been taking my ARVs for the past 1 year four months. My CD4 count is 345. Is it safe to have unprotected sex because my boyfriend insists.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hlengiwe,

    Yes there is a chance that your boyfriend maybe positive. Therefore, he will need to test, and sooner rather than later.

    You mention that your CD4 is 34, are you taking anything else other than the ARVs? How is your health overall?

  4. hlengiwe

    I’ve been taking ARVs for a month now. My boyfriend doesn’t believe that I’m positive, so we’ve been having sex without using condoms.Is there any chance that he may be infected? My CD4 is 34.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dineo,

    Unless your viral load is undetectable there is a risk that you will transmit HIV. Do you know if your’s is undetectable?

    The CD4 count that you’ve given, can’t be correct. This is because people don’t have CD4’s that high. Do you know the right one? Or did you mean viral load? If you meant viral load, then yes their is a risk of transmission. The transmission only becomes close to zero once a person is undetectable. See here for more info:


  6. Dineo

    I’ve been on ARVs for 4 months. My boyfriend is circumcised, and we had unprotected sex. He is not aware of my status. My CD4 count is 9895. How risky is it for him to be infected?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jumbo,

    If a person is on treatment and has an undetectable viral load, the risk of transmission is close to zero.

    Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:


  8. Jumbo

    I just want to know if you’re circumcised and have sex with a women who is on treatment, what are the chances of getting infected?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi. if you are on ARVs for a year it is likely that your viral load is undetectable. If yes, then there is not risk to your bf. Your bf will be fine. Please read the new info at this link – perhaps with your bf:

  10. Zama

    Im on arvs for a year and my bf is cicrumed and last night we had unprotected and im so scarde that he must infected